Chapter 9- The Vault

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"Where did they go?" Kaia inquired.

Maddox gave a frown as a doctor bandaged up his leg,"He wanted me to give him another artifact, the thing that the Ovoid once powered. A scepter. I'm guessing he's trying to find it." Maddox took a pair of crutches handed to him, giving the doctor a tetchy side-eye as he left the room.

"Great. Another legendary object" Jupiter started,"What can it do?"

Maddox frowned,"I have no idea, but it probably isn't good."

Wren's eyes suddenly widened,"I remember where I saw the Black Knight before! Callum, I saw him in your memories."

Callum's face hardened,"Mordred. I should've known." His eyes widened after a moment,"The scepter...the Black Knight didn't call it the Scepter of Arawn, did he?"

Maddox nodded, slightly surprised,"That's what he called it. Do you know where it is?"

Callum shook his head,"No, but I think I know what it is. My mother used to tell me a bedtime story about these two kingdoms that were at war for centuries. After one of the bloodiest battles, one of the rulers, King Arawn, had his magician transform the bodies of every fallen soldier into monsters with the darkest magic he could cast. His spell brought to life an army of evil creatures that felt no emotion. No remorse. They became known as the Fomorians, and along with being heartless, they were unstoppable. The Magician then crafted King Arawn a scepter that controlled them..."

Ezra made a face,"T-This was a bedtime story?"

"How does the Ovoid power the Scepter?" Vera inquired.

"Well," Callum explained,"In the next battle, King Arawn unleashed the Fomorians...the massacre that followed consumed him in guilt. The kingdoms forged a truce, and King Arawn banished the army of monsters into an otherworldly prison. To ensure no one commanded the Fomorians ever again, the scepter was split into, one part protected by each kingdom. If I'm guessing, the Egg was its jewel. He's looking for the actual scepter to complete it."

Jupiter lifted a brow,"...To unleash an unstoppable army of monsters. Great."

Agent Novak rushed into sick bay, holding a translucent tablet flashing with holographic data. She gave a grave expression,"We've located the Black Knight and Fletcher. They're nearing Wyoming."

Maddox's face switched from its usual grumpiness to a lethal seriousness,"He's using the Ovoid to find the scepter. Of course he found it there."

"What's in Wyoming?" Kaia asked.

Maddox looked to the Sentinels,"Vault 51, Aegis's storehouse for magical objects." He turned to an agent guarding the entrance,"Tell the Bridge to alert Elliot Zimmerman immediately. There is an imminent threat to Vault 51."

The guard gave a nod, rushing away.

Agent Novak clicked a few times on her tablet before sighing,"The central jet and many pulsejets are damaged. The Zephyr 13 itself is severely vitiated. We don't have anything fast enough to get there in time."

Ezra grinned,"I may not have a fancy-schmancy supersonic jet, but I have been working on a project."

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