Chapter 17- The Time of Sentinels

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"Thanks for not sucking us into a black hole." Ezra commented.

Maddox cracked a smile, leaned up against the wall,"Thanks for making the World Council rethink their options. Seeing the Sentinels fight for the world had them guessing."

The group stood in the infirmary of the Citadel, the large room empty beside a single patient. Callum rested peacefully in a cot in front of them. His health had been fully restored, his severe injuries almost completely healed.

Kaia lifted a brow,"Guessing? They almost had decided on obliterating the largest city in the county, filled with innocent people."

"Not to mention us," Jupiter chimed in.

Maddox shrugged,"They already had decided. In fact, they were activating the Void when the portal closed. You guys took down the Black Knight in the nick of time."

Wren placed a hand on Callum's,"Cal defeated him."

Fletcher frowned, glancing down at the knight,"I hope he's all right. The doc said between his wounds, and using the Scepter of Arawn to destroy the last of the Fomorians...they said he was lucky even for an immortal."

Maddox grinned at Callum,"I've known Callum for over seventy years, and if I've learned anything...he's a fighter. He'll be fine."

Vera sat up from the seat beside Callum's cot,"How bad is the aftermath of the battle?"

"Sixty-three total casualties have been confirmed,"Maddox informed,"Thanks to the Veil and Aegis's reconstruction division, the city is already ignorantly and blissfully back to normal. As for the Scepter of Arawn, it should be halfway back to the Vault by now."

"What about the Cosmic Egg and the eye-thingy?" Fletcher asked.

"The Ovoid, the Black Knight's sword, and the Oculus, which I'm presuming you are calling the eye-thingy, are all back in containment," Maddox explained,"I'm not authorized to tell you what we are doing with them as of now, but they are secured."

Callum stirred, and abruptly shot up from the cot.

Wren smiled,"The doctors didn't expect you to wake up for days."

Callum scanned the room, his confusion shifting to acceptance. He sighed,"How long have I been out?"

"A little over a day," Ezra answered, adjusting his crutches,"how do you feel?"

Callum shrugged, touching the barely traceable cut on his face,"Surprisingly fine. How..."

Maddox cracked a grin,"Amazing what healing magic and a little medicine can do."

A doctor rushed inside, checking Callum's vitals. A nurse offered him some water, which the knight gladly accepted.

After a moment, Callum looked to Maddox.

"Where's Ben?" He asked.

Maddox shook his head,"He vanished without a trace. I have a team trying to locate him as we speak."

Callum gave a solemn nod, falling silent.

"Hey, Blondie," Jupiter began, nudging Callum in the arm playfully,"We all had an idea while you were taking your beauty sleep."

Callum's face perked up.

*         *         *

Maddox held Excalibur in the air.

The Sentinels stood on a grassy hill overlooking a glistening lake. The sunny day was cool and pleasant, and the trees surrounding them rustled softly. Callum kneeled in front of them in his armor.

Maddox touched the legendary blade on each of Callum's shoulders, and the knight smiled brightly. After Maddox finished the accolade, Callum arose to his feet. Maddox presented him with the sword.

"King Callum of Camelot, you are officially a knight," Maddox congratulated.

Callum accepted Excalibur, and hugged Maddox, grinning from ear to ear. Behind them, the Sentinels bursted into cheers and clapping.

Callum looked to his team,"Thank you guys, for everything."

He took his sword out,"I'm sure you're probably wondering why I dragged all of you to Upstate New York..."

Callum gestured for the group to stand back, and he cracked a smile before thrusting Excalibur into the stone on the top of the hill.

From the sword rippled a wave of iridescent light, and the world around them began to change.

An entire fortress began to materialize before them. Stone walls and paths shimmered into view, and a magnificent castle complete with towers arose into the air. Lush gardens with bubbling fountains erupted from the ground. From the sword resonated outward an entire castle into reality.

At once the group found themselves standing in the middle of the walled off courtyard, behind them coming into existence a towering metal gate emblazoned with a large 'S'.

Callum laughed giddily at his friends' awestruck expressions,"While I was asleep, Merlin visited me in my dreams. He told me he conjured a headquarters for the Sentinels after the battle. He let me surprise you guys."

Jupiter cracked a grin,"I so call dibs on the tower."

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