Chapter 14- Darkness Falls

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The building began to collapse.

Ezra circled the parking garage as it began to break apart, one of the dark dragons roaring as its corrosive breath melted into the structure.

Callum carried a little girl in his arms, a woman running along side of him. Behind him, Vera was holding off a few Fomorian soldiers with a mixture of martial arts incorporated with utilizing the spear's destructive blasts.

The Shadow Dragon engulfed the building's left side in violet flames, and fractures of fiery light began to snake across the concrete. Like acid, the molten fire began to disintegrate everything it touched.

After reducing the Fomorian troops to ashes, Callum and Vera rushed toward the skybridge connecting the garage to a flanking building.

The second Shadow Dragon was on a warpath with its destructive breath, a series of razed buildings and columns of black smoke left in its wake. Ezra noticed a series of lightning bolts strike the dragon, and Jupiter began to blast the monstrous being back into the defense perimeter.

Callum and Vera raced with the breaking stone, cracks opening up from under them. They reached the edge of the skybridge, a windowed tunnel spanning the multistoried drop between the buildings.

The Shadow Dragon flew over the parking garage, and blasted its deleterious flames. The liquidized fire surged over the structure like lava, and the building heaved as the last of its foundation began to break down.

Ezra spewed white flames into the beast, flying into the creature. The two dragons began to battle in the air, fire filling the air around them as their fangs and claws clashed against each other.

Vera grabbed the mother by the arm as they darted through the skybridge, fractures covering the stone. The windows began to shatter violently from behind them in unison, rows of glass panels exploding in sequence as the bridge fell.

Callum covered the little girl with his shield as he ran, shards of glass and falling debris filling the air. They were almost across the skybridge when the the garage finally gave way, the concrete structure imploding on itself.

The group lunged to the other side as the last row of glass panels erupted into splinters, the skybridge giving way.

They crashed to the floor, Callum protecting the small girl from the fall with his body. Vera helped the mother to her feet, and Callum handed her the child before accepting Vera's hand.

She gave a troublesome smile,"C'mon, Gramps."

The two looked out at the gaping hole left by the skybridge, and Callum cracked a grin,"About time."

In the distance, aircrafts with the emblem of Aegis approached.

* * *

Jupiter was getting tired of the Fomorians before their mascots joined in.

The massive, tenebrous dragon tried biting at him with its obsidian fangs, a mouthful of saber-like teeth jutting out similarly to an anglerfish.

Jupiter maneuvered around the beast, and stabbed his jagged sword into it. Electricity crackled from the blade into the dragon.

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