Chapter 7- Prisoner

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The sky boomed as Wren stepped toward the Black Knight. The Ovoid glowed stark white in her hands.

The Black Knight blasted darkness at Wren, but a chunk of earth erupted in front of her, protecting her from the blast. Nature itself was bending to her will. He fired again, and the Ovoid encased Wren in a force field, insulating her from the negative energy.

Wren willed the wind to lock the Knight in place, and a vortex of air spun around the Black Knight, tightening around him in a small tornado. Lightning began to strike around him in every direction, electrifying him. Large roots erupted from the ground, and swirled around the Knight, binding him like chains. With a look from Wren, the wind ripped the dark sword from his grasp, the blade hissing as it skidded across the courtyard.

Gesturing at the fire whirl around Ezra and Agent Novak, Wren instantaneously extinguished the flames, leaving the two standing in a scorched ring.

Wren held her hand out at the ground, and the broken stone and dust began swirling around the Black Knight. The ruble began to solidify, and soon had encased the knight's body in stone. 

Wren looked at the Ovoid in her hands, and found the taste of infinite power almost overwhelming. She quickly remembered herself, and grounded her feelings. With a thought she disconnected her powers from the egg, which stopped glowing.

Wren lost her balance— severing herself from the influx of so much raw power had taken a bigger toll on her than she had thought.

Callum caught her, looking wonderstruck,"Wren, you were amazing."

Wren gave a weary smile,"T-Thanks." Callum eased her up against the wall so she could rest.

Suddenly, the air hissed with electricity, and Jupiter flew toward the Black Knight, his sword raised. Callum jumped in front of the Knight with his shield, protecting him from Jupiter's sword. Callum bashed Jupiter to the ground, and his face hardened into a stern frown,"He's had enough, Jupiter."

Jupiter sent a sharp glare at Callum,"What are you doing?"

"Doing what's right," Callum stated firmly,"he can't defend himself. Have some mercy."

Jupiter jumped up,"He's a murderer!"

Callum looked to Jupiter,"And becoming one yourself will make things right?"

Agent Novak frowned, stepped between the boys,"Let's cool down, everyone. We got the Black Knight, and successfully secured the Ovoid. The mission was successful."

Kaia stepped out from some ruble, holding up an unconscious Fletcher,"If we're going to kill each other, can I take five first?"

* * *

Wren found letting go of the Cosmic Egg was hard. Literally.

The Egg would refuse to leave her hands. If she sat it down, it would start emitting a shrill cry, or start glowing blindingly bright while shaking, like an angry toddler throwing a tantrum.

"Your connection to the earth must keep it grounded," Kaia hypothesized, holding an ice pack to her head. Wren gave a nod, thinking her deduction made sense.

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