Sneak Peek

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A helicopter soared over the desert, its rotor slicing through the pitch darkness.

As the helicopter began to descend, the pilot requested to land. A voice approved from his earpiece,"Request authorized. Cloaking Shield is dropping."

Waves of kaleidoscopic light began to surge across the desert below, and a wavering mirage quickly revealed a large facility. Electrified fences enclosed the area, and watchtowers were erected along the borders. Dozens of armed soldiers stood guard along the perimeters.

The helicopter lowered down onto the landing pad, throwing swirls of dust into the air.

The door opened, and Maddox stepped out. He was greeted by a man awaiting his landing, a young man in a suit.

The man smiled,"Director Maddox, welcome to Project ORION."

Maddox walked passed him,"Agent Fisher, any progress?"

The man pivoted on his feet, partially running to catch up to Maddox,"We are still in the initial trials of analyzation, but the system detected something that we thought would interest you."

The men walked passed a sign before entering the guarded facility. In bold letters were written Operations of Research and Investigation of Omnipotent Nature.

Fisher took Maddox through the facility, and they soon came to a hall ending with an elevator. Sets of guards were positioned every few feet, fully armored and carrying machine guns.

The men strode to the elevator, and Fisher entered in a twelve digit code into a keypad. A retina scanner beside the keypad examined Fisher's eye, and flashed green in approval.

Fisher looked to the two guards flanking the elevator, and they turned, taking out matching keys. Both guards simultaneously placed the keys in corresponding locks, and turned the keys.

The elevator doors slid open, and Maddox and Fisher entered the elevator. The guards turned the keys again, the doors sliding to a close.

Fisher typed in another access code into the elevator's keypad, and clicked the button labelled LV7.

The elevator instantly descended, smoothly plunging deeper and deeper underground. Soon the elevator doors slid open, and the agents stepped out into a laboratory.

Scientists studied three objects suspended in glass tubes, levitating in the air.

In the first tube floated the Cosmic Egg, and the Black Knight's sword hovered beside it in the center column. In the third was suspended a shimmering blue sphere.

The men approached the otherworldly artifacts, and the hairs on Maddox's arms stood up, the air around the containment units energized like the inside of a battery.

"Recent analysis of the Oculus has detected psionic energy stronger than we have ever recorded," Fisher explained,"with this much psychic power...I think your project could have potential."

Maddox grinned.

I dedicate this chapter to PencilPixie26 ! I can not thank you enough for all the amazing comments and reading my books! Your hilarious, supportive, and encouraging comments have seriously made my day. I am honored for the follow and am so happy to return the favor. Thank you so, so much! :)

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