Chapter 4- The Team

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Ezra thought he was biggest freak on the Zephyr 13. Not anymore.

In a few hours, Maddox would have three more superpowered people brought to the ship for evaluation to be sentinels. Along with Callum the immortal knight, now one of the world's greatest spies (who just so happened to be part siren) was also onboard. With the new recruits, the hero-headcount was at least at five more people than average.

If only that didn't make him want to throw up his lunch. Ezra was caught between excitement for what was happening, but also worried his little secret would get out. Finally he felt at home somewhere. He wasn't ready to be treated like a freak again.

Maddox looked to a monitor displaying the view of one of the landing deck cameras, the vortex over the ship abruptly subsiding. His expression settled into a calm, amused smirk. He grinned,"Jones."

Ezra frowned, peeping up from his alcove of monitors and guard-dinos,"Who's Jones?"

Maddox crossed the room,"A demigod I know. Want to come with me to meet him?"

Ezra gave a curious look,"W-Why me? I mean, Jennifer looks way more up to this." He gave a look to a blonde woman at the control panel, who seemed to not look exactly up for it.

Maddox shook his head,"I want you to join me."

Ezra gave a sigh,"Well, if I'm going, I'm packing heat." The boy grabbed something from a stand beside his central computer, a steampunk ray gun plugged into two electrified coils.

The gun was peculiar in design, with a long, clear barrier with a small coil inside. Along the side of the gun was a setting dial ranging with increments of power level, and it featured a few small bulbs that glowed.

Maddox gave Ezra a smirk,"That's a gun?"

Ezra nodded,"This is one my latest inventions. I call it the Volt. I studied some of Tesla's confidential files and applied some of my own noggin to make it. It's a mobilized resonant transformer similar to a tesla coil, kinda like an electroshock-super-taser. It uses polyphase voltage to deliver stunning blasts of electricity that not only knock unconscious, but scramble the synapses of the brain, erasing short term memory."     

Maddox grinned,"Impressive."

Ezra tucked the Volt in his homemade carrier on his side, and walked out of the Bridge. Maddox looked to him with a softer look that his usual expression,"You alright? I was wondering how having all these recruits with powers around made you feel."

Ezra shrugged. "I feel hotmazing," he stated with a false smirk.

Maddox looked straight through him,"You're lying."

Maddox had the uncanny ability of knowing when people were lying, and Ezra definitely was not up for going against a human lie detector. Maddox even knew his secret, so his anxiety not only had his stomach in knots, but had his ears blazing red as he tried to lie his way into confidence.

They turned a corner, approaching the door to the landing deck. Ezra frowned,"No, really, I'm absolutely, positively A-OK."

Maddox winked,"We'll talk later." He opened the door to the landing deck, and looked straight ahead at a boy standing in front of Callum and Vera.

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