Surprise of my life (Ncis)

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Tony's pov

I walked into hq a little late than usual. It had been a hard day yesterday having to leave Ziva in Israel. After spending months trying to find her and then finally finding her only to have to leave her behind was really taking a toll on my mojo. We had finally told each other how we felt, among other things, and I will probably never see her again.

As I walked to my desk I tried not to think about Ziva but as i sat down I looked over at her desk and all I can picture is that first day we met when I walked in with no shirt and she caught me having phone sex. It was pretty awkward at first but I could tell I was going to marry her some day.

Just as im sitting down the bossman comes in with Mcgee and tells me we have a case. A dead petty officer in a hotel. I'm guessing he had a wild night...

When we get to the hotel something is instantly off about it. It seems so familiar but I just can't put my finger on it. Gibbs tells me to take pictures while Mcgee scetches the scene. I go over to the decaying body which has been here for about two days. "It seems to me, this poor fellow was attacked by a dog" says Ducky. "How" I ask. "This hotel doesn't allow dogs". "Well that my boy is a mystery to be solved later" Ducky tells me.

"The mans name is petty officer Lance Howard. He hasn't even been to a war yet. He just became a petty officer on sunday." Mcgee tells me. "Well why would someone want to kill him?" I ask. Gibbs comes over and asks Ducky when Lance died. "Around 2200" Ducky says "Come on Mr. Palmer. Lets get this man into the truck shall we?" As I look around the room it suddenly hits me. "Boss I know why this place looks so formiliar to me!" "Are you waiting for an invitation DiNozzo?"
"No Boss, Sorry Boss. I was just thinking. This looks exactly like a case I had in Baltimore. Its is exactly the same!"

Gibbs' pov

When we got to the crime scene I headed over to the cleaning lady who found the body. She told me he had the do not disturb sign on his door so she didn't come in. She was freaked out so I let her leave and I went over to Ducky. All of the sudden DiNozzo tells me he knows why the place looks so familiar. I tell him to spit it out and he says it is exactly like a case he had in Baltimore.

"What was the case in Baltimore about?" I ask him and he says "It was about a man named Jack Fonder who was attacked by a dog but we never found the guy. He went under before we could get to him. That was my first cold case."

When we got back to HQ I told DiNozzo to get the case files from the cold case and Mcgee to get the background on Petty Officer Howard. I went down to Ducky and he came up with the conclusion that petty officer Howard was killed in the room by a dog. I went up to Abby to see what she got but she wasn't in the lab when I got there. "Abby" I yell "Abby where are you" "In here Gibbs" I walk through the door and I see Abby sitting on her couch, holding Bert, crying. "Abby what's wrong?" I ask a little worried" "Is she really...not...coming back?" Abby asks not able to hold in the tears. "I'm sorry Abby but she made her decision. You have to know that she still loves all of us and she would never have done this if she knew we couldn't handle it. She just needed to start over and pick herself back up." "I know that Gibbs but why did she have to stay in Israel? Couldn't she have come back and still been friends. I miss her Gibbs." "I know Abby, but you need to get back to work and stop letting this bother you. Just remember she never stopped thinking of you" "Ok Gibbs see you later" I hear her say to me as I walk to the elevator.

Tony's pov

Boss walks into the bullpen and asks Mcgee what he has. Mcgee says "He has no next of kin but his emergency contact is a Sarah Lepage. I looked her up she is a fourth grade teacher the Triangle Elementary School in Triangle Virginia. It's right outside to D.C. border." "DiNozzo go" Gibbs says so I tell him about my case. "Jack Fonder worked as a mail man for the D.C. area. And get this boss, he and his wife lived in Triangle Virginia. The same town where Lance's emergency contact works. Jack's wife is a second grade teacher at the same school." "Mcgee, DiNozzo, go pick up this Sarah Lepage.

Mcgee and I get in to the car when Mcgee stops me. "What did she say when you found her?" "WHY CAN'T ANYONE SAY HER NAME?" I yell. " Tony I'm sorry I didn't mean..." "No I'm sorry" I interrupt. "I shouldn't have yelled. She told me how she needed to start over and she wanted a knew life. How she wasn't the person she wanted to be." I didn't tell anyone about how we finally kissed. It was our little secret. It was so magical, like one in the movies. One that was so full of passion and love that you never want to let go but you have to. That is how I felt and it killed me to get on that plane without her but that is what she wanted and I had to give her that.

The rest of the ride was rode in silence. We pulled up to the school. We walk about two steps when we see something. "Mcgee!" I scream " Is that..." Then my whole life flashes before my eyes.


This is just the first chapter. I promise it will get more interesting! Please Keep reading<3


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