Chapter 3

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Mcgee's POV

I turn around and see this pretty looking nurse standing behind me. "Are you the man that came in with agent DiNozzo?" she asks me. "Yes." I say. "Agent DiNozzo is out of surgery. He has a few broken ribs and a fractured arm. He will be ok though. We will release him later today." I release the breath I had been holding. "Thank you, may I talk to him?" "Of course, he's in room 324". Suddenly I realize I was still on the phone with Gibbs! "Boss, Tony's alright. He..." he cuts me off "I heard. Go fill Tony in on what happened and come back to hq." "yes boss" and with that he hangs up.

I walk into Tony's room and he's still sleeping. He looks ok for a guy that just go blown up. "Hey man" knowing that he can't hear me. "I just wanted to tell you how worried I was. I know, I know it's lame but I was Tony. I was really worried. I can't lose you. Not after Kate and Jen and... Ziva. You're the brother I always wanted and Abby and everyone loves you and even though she's gone, I know Ziva loves you too. She told Abby after Somalia just incase anything happend to her, someone else would be able to tell you and of course Abby told me so here I am telling you but you can't hear me anyway." Suddenly Tony turned around and looked at me. "You heard that didn't you" Tony just nodded. there was silence for a while, neither of us knowing what to say. Then Tony spoke up. "I kissed her you know" I actually wasn't all that shocked. "I found her the last time we video chatted and we told eachother everything." I sat there waiting for him to finish but he looked like he was remembering the moments. "Well" I said "Gibbs told me to fill you in so here's what we have" I filled Tony in, gave him an awkward hug then left Tony to himself.

Gibbs' POV

Finally Mcgee got back to hq and I filled him in on what I learned about Jack Fonders and his ex Wife. Also what I learned about the Custodian Paul Juger. "Mcgee you're with me. We're going to talk Juger" My phone starts to ring and it's Abby. "Hold that thought, Abby's lab" Mcgee and I head down to Abby's lab and I stop on the way to pick up a caf pow. "wad'ya got Abbs" "Well Gibbs, I analyzed the bomb residue and it contained trace amounts of Plunium which you can only buy in large amounts. I searched for people who have bought it in the last week and guess who was on that list?" "Juger" I kiss Abby's cheek, hand her the caf pow and left with Mcgee right behind me.

Mcgee and I drive up to Jugers house since it was a saturday. "Mcgee you have the back" I tell him "yes boss" he says "one, two, three" i say into the ear piece. Then we rush through the doors into the house. We clear every room on the first floor and every room on the second until we get to the last room in the hallway. I go in first and then I see it. "Mcgee careful" "Why boss, oh" There in the center of the room was Paul Juger with a bomb straped to his chest.


Sorry I haven't posted in a while i'll try to post more often. Also I have no idea what Plunium is so...

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