Chapter 10

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I sort of had writers block and I didn't really have any inspiration. Anyway here it is!


Her hair was curled, makeup perfect, dress on and her veil was on the way. She had forgot it at home when they were rushing out the day before and she had made her brother run home to get it. At this moment she was calm. This was one of the biggest moments of her life and all she could think about was walking down that isle to her soul mate. She couldn't wait to meet his eyes when she turned the corner and finally laid eyes on him after not seeing him for a whole night.

Her wedding party had been with a few friends and it had been just the way she wanted it. They had gone bowling with the nuns and she had won of course. She still didn't know what her future husband had done at his bachelor party but all she knew is that he had come home very drunk. The guys dropped him off and she had had to practically carry him all the way upstairs to their room. That had been a month ago. Now it was June 15th and it was 2 hours until she was going to be married to the love of her life and she couldn't wait.

She was stuck in her thoughts when her brother came rushing through the door. "ABBY!" He yelled. "I have your veil! I took me a while to find it and then I got stuck in traffic on the way back but I have it now." He was freaking out more that Abby was. "Thank you so much!" She said as she hugged him. "But now you have to go, only girls allowed." She said and she shooed him out the door. Then Ellie walked around the corner. She saw Abby and tears came to her eyes. "Oh Abby you look so beautiful!" She exlaimed and indeed she did.

Abby's dress was white. She hadn't expected to have a white dress but when she tried it on, she completely transformed. She fell in love with it and it made her look perfect. Everyone else agreed that it was the one so she bought it even though it was 12000 dollars. Gibbs helped her pay for it. The dress was white but it did have some black elements to it. Abby had also bought a black belt that went around her waist but it was loose fiting. She also had some black flowers sewn onto the neck line of her strapless dress. The same flowers had been sewn onto the veil and it just completed the look.

Breena and Tim's sister were Abby's bridesmaids and Ellie of course was the maid of honor. No one knew this but Abby had made sure to have an extra bouquet of flowers made just for Ziva. Abby was going to give them to Ziva if she ever came back and Abby was positive that Ziva would come back one day even if everyone else denied it.

"Abby, I can't belive this is really happening!" Ellie cried. "This is so exciting!" "Ellie, calm down you don't want to smear your makeup." Abby replied. "I know I know, but everything is happening so fast. It seems like yesterday I just joined the team! Now I'm your maid of honor and practically part of the family and my best friend is getting married..." While Ellie rambled on, Abby looked at the clock and she screamed. "Oh My God Ellie look at the time!" Both girls, plus the other bridesmaids, put finishing touches on their faces and ran dow the hallway to get ready.

2 hours before

"McMarried, you need to fix that bow tie." Tony said as he walked out of the bathroom. "I know, I know, I just can't seem to get it right." Mcgee responded. "Let me do it." Palmer offered and he got up to help Tim with his tie. "So Mcworried, having cold feet yet?" Tony asked and Mcgee gave him a look. "No Tony, I know this marriage will last. Unlike your first engadgement." Tim retorted. And that was the truth. Mcgee had never felt so sure about anything in his life. Tony was about to respond when Gibbs walked in the door. "Alright, lets go before we are late." He said and the four men walked down the hallway to the hall where all his family and friends were going to see him marry the love of his life. He didn't admit this to anyone but he knew there was something or rather someone missing. He missed having that girl on the team that always stood up for him instead of Tony. Sure Bishop was great but she always seemed to be on Tony's side and that just made him miss Ziva even more. But Ziva was there in his brain and that made him feel better. He also knew that Abby had purchased and extra flower arangement for Ziva and that made him feel good to know someone else was missing her also.

It was a beautiful service with lots of crying and hugging. Abby even made Gibbs tear up a little bit when she said her vows to Tim. By the end of the ceremony everyone, even Tony, was crying of joy as they wished the happy couple off as they drove away and started their honeymoon and the rest of their lives together.

One month later

Tony walked into his apartment after a long day of work. There had been a bombing at an elementary school on a navy base and two kids had died. Everyone struggled through the case no doubt getting personally involved in it. Eventually they found a lead that lead to one of the parents. He was trying to make a statement about the schools danger protocals or lack of them. He had no idea there were still kids inside and now he is going to jail for life.

Tony walked to the counter and put his things down. He looked right over the object that was lying on the counter. He went to get a glass of water and when he turned back around thats when he noticed it. A red letter on his counter just like he had gotten before. Tony was instantly excited. The last time he had gotten a letter from Ziva was a year ago. It had said the name Leila again and the number one. He had no idea what it meant but he kept the letter just like he did the other ones. Now that Tony thought about it, He had gotten the last letter on exactly the same day he got this letter. He looked at the date. July 26th. He had no idea what the date meant but he pushed the thought aside and opened the letter. This time there was the same name but instead of the number one it was the number two. Ziva was driving him crazy. What were all these letters for. He had no idea. Was Ziva trying to tell him something? But Tony was too tired to think about it so he put the letter on his mantle with the three others. He looked at them for a moment, thankful that Ziva was still kind of in touch with him. Then he put a movie in and an hour later he fell into a peaceful sleep no doubt dreaming about the woman he loved.

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