Chapter 16

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Ellies POV

Tony and I sat in the car waiting for the light to turn green. It had been so long since the two of us had done anything together. I was always paired with Mcgee for some reason. I was excited because it was a chance for Tony and I to catch up. "So Tony" I said. "Ziva." I was trying not to sound too interested in her but he could tell I was. "I'm really glad she's back actually." Tony said which surprised me because he's not usually this open with his feelings. "I haven't seen her in three years and all the pain and happiness is rushing back at the same time." I decided not to ask questions because he wasn't really listening to me anyway. "And now we have this kid. This baby girl and I love her more than anything. I love them both more than anything." "Wait, Leila is yours?" I asked and he nodded. "I just can't mess this up Ellie. They are so important to me." Tony said and we sat in silence the rest of the way.

Tony's POV

Ellie and I walked into the little electronic shop and a short Japanese man came to the couter. "What can I do for you?" He asked. "I was wondering if you saw this man here before." I said showing a picture of Jalaki on my phone. "No I have never seen this man." He said and he looked behind him. "Sir is there something wrong?" I asked him as he flicked his fingers back and forth. "Um no, nothing." He said but I could tell he was lying. "Do you mind if we take a look back there?" Ellie said steping behind the counter. All at once there was a huge BANG and three men in the back room started shooting at us. One of the men ran out the back door before we could fire back. Ellie and I were crouched down behind a display case and the man behind the counter was on the floor in the corner. "I'll go around back and call for back up." I said. "Cover me on three. 1... 2... 3!" I said and Ellie fired until I could get out the door.

Around back there was an old pick up truck that looked like it hadn't been moved in ages. Near the door was a bag of garbage which made the whole ally smell like someone had thrown up. I called for back up and looked around. On the wall was a Japanese symbol which suddenly made everything make sense. Back in Baltimore I had seen this sign so many times but I had no idea it was in DC aswell.

My heart started racing and I started to panic a little bit. Once I regained focus I rushed back inside. All I knew was I had to get to Ellie. I began remembering about this gang back in Baltimore. They had formed in the middle east and did missions for all sorts of high profile people. Everything was making sense but it was also very alarming. "That means there is something much bigger going on here." I said aloud. As I got around to the front door I could tell something was wrong. I picked up my phone and called Gibbs. I had just noticed there were no more gun shots and it was actually extremely silent. I ran up to the door but before I got there the world shook around me. I fell backwards and couldn't breathe. Slowly I began to sit up only to have searing pain shoot through my body. I looked down to see a pool of blood around me. I began to feel lightheaded and the world drifted away. In the distance I could hear Gibbs yelling through the phone "TONY! TONY!"

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