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It's been a week and he's still on my mind. I tried to cram for finals, but that didn't end so well. In a class full of men who don't believe a woman can or should become a doctor isn't the easiest to begin with.

"Crap!" I yell as I look at the time. I slip on a tight blue dress just enough to show my curves. It had a small slit towards the bottom and wasn't to shiny or to casual. I slid on some shoes and ran out the door. I pulled up next to Avery's home to find her waiting outside already. She rolled her eyes but got in much more gracefully than me.

"You forgot?" She said as she reapplied her dark red lipstick.

"I was studying."

"You could repeat that whole book back to me without a single breath. There is no way you're not going to pass." She said, and I wish I could be cocky and shrug it off but that wasn't the case. I was terrified.

"You know maybe you'll get to see Bucky. He might be there." I tried to remain calm, but couldn't help but smirk. "I know he's on your mind. Every since the beach. I almost think you're in love."

I slammed on my breaks and Avery began laughing louder than the city. I caught my breath and resumed driving again.

"I don't love him. I hardly know him. I love my job." She turned her face away from me and I knew she was smirking.

We arrived at the science expo and looked up at the amazing lights and beams. It was beautiful. The drums began and Avery grabbed my hand as we ran for the stage. She pulled us through people and people before we got to the front. I apologized as we ran, but the people didn't seem to keen with me.

Girls came out and danced then walked out Howard Stark. Avery held onto my hand tightly as she jumped and waved, it actually hurt. His invention was a car that could fly us on our own. More like hover. It shined blue lights from where the tires were taken off and it lifted from the ground. It dropped after a few minutes and Mr. Stark chuckled.

"I did say a few years didn't I?"

"EVELYN!" A mans voice shouted behind me, Avery turned around first and looked annoyed. I turned my head and saw Bucky walking towards us. There was a guy and two girls standing behind from where he left and they all seemed to be looking at us.

"Bucky." I said seeing his glorious smile of perfect teeth. "Hi." I said and his arm brushed against my hand as he got close. I didn't think he noticed. "You um.."

"How is your head?" I stopped my sentence and tried hard not to smile. I bit my lip and restrained myself. He was with his girlfriend and came over to ask about my head?

"It's quite fine thank you. Um...did you watch the show?" I asked and turned away but when I turned back his eyes looked so real and caring.

"Yes. I'm here with some friends, let me introduce you." He held my hand as he drug me over to his friends. The girls didn't look to impressed, but the man smiled and was kind. "This is my friend Steve. We've been friends ever since we were kids." I smiled and shook his hand. "And this is Connie and Bonnie." I reached out my hand, but they didn't take it.

"Bucky, weren't we going to go dancing?" One said and Steve backed up awkwardly.

"Um yeah I'll meet you guys over there in a bit I'm talking to Evelyn right now." Bucky said, and I pulled my hand away from his.

"No, you should go. I should get back to my friends anyway." Bucky reached and held onto my arm gently and the girls waited, but he stared at me and then let go.

"I just met these girls yesterday. Evelyn I would honestly rather dance with you." He reached out a hand and the girls stormed off but he kept his hand out. "Avery can dance with....Steve." He said as he turned around confused to where he could have gone. He turned back to me and my heart raced. "I'm so sorry, I need to find him. Please wait here."

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