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"Agent Sitwell, how was lunch?" I say, into the phone.

"I hear the crab cakes here are delicious." Sam says,

"Who is this?" Sitwell replies back.

"The good looking guy in the sunglasses, your ten o'clock." He looks around and Sam rolls his eyes, "Your other ten o'clock." Sitwell turns the other way and stares at us. "There you go."

"What do you want?"

"You're gonna go around the corner, to your right. There's a grey car, two spaces down. You and I are gonna take a ride." I say, into the phone.

"And why would I do that?"

"Because that tie looks really expensive, and I'd hate to mess it up." Sitwell looks down at his tie and sees a small red light from the gun being pointed at him.

I walk across the street and wait for the cue. I watch for the bodies to come into clear shot and Natasha kicks Sitwell off the roof, he plummets down screaming. "Now." I say and Falcon swoops in dropping him back on the roof.

I climb into the drivers seat and everyone gets in as we drive onto the interstate.

"Insight's launching in sixteen hours, we're cutting it a little bit close here." Natasha says checking her watch,

"I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the Helicarriers directly."

"What?! Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea." Sitwell yells and a large bang hits the top of the car. I look out the window as the Winter Soldier lands on the car roof, pulls Sitwell out through the window and throws him into the oncoming traffic, killing him.

"Shit." I say, as he starts shooting I slam on the break flying him forward as another car smash into the back and pushes us along. The Winter Soldier jumps back onto the car, and smashes through the widescreen he rips the steering wheel from my hands.

"Shit!" Sam yells and Natasha starts shooting at him but the Winter Soldier jumps onto the vehicle behind us, as the car is being pulled off the road Steve holds on to the car door

"Hang on!" he breaks open the door, holding onto Natasha and Sam. I jump off the top and fall to the ground rolling multiple times before smashing my head into the side and falling down.

"Shit." I say and make my way to stand back up as my body heals. The Winter Soldier is joined by HYDRA agents and they start shooting at Natasha, Steve, and Sam. I leaned against the wall for a few more seconds as the group scattered. I grab my gun and aim for the soldier hitting him in the eye mask. He rips them off and shoots towards me. I hurry and run for safety.

"I'll take care of her. Find him." I hear him say I run faster. I fall beneath a car and scramble for my phone and take a recording of my voice on a phone and plant it beneath a car. I couldn't run forever. I take my position and watch as he throws a grenade at the car. As the bomb explodes I jump onto the Winter Soldiers back and try to knock him out, but he grabs me and throws me off. I hit the ground and roll back up as I take off running again.

"Get out of the way! Stay out of the way! " I yell to civilians and feel a pain hit my shoulder. It goes right through my body, and I turn around poking a hole in my skin. "Shit!" I say and he presses a gun against my head. I stared into his eyes, the blue eyes. No. I stand up to face him and he waits to pull the trigger. "You don't recognize me."

Steve smacks Bucky and they begin fighting continuously. His mask falls off and Bucky turns to us.

"Bucky?" Steve asks, confused. I watch as he furrows his eyebrows.

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