Chapter One

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Authors POV

Manik came to the address written on the paper after finishing his father's funeral.

"Hello? Anyone there?" manik called out as he entered the building.

"Nandini! Nandini! " he screamed

Manik's POV

"Manik" I heard someone calling out my name. I turned to that direction and saw a women who was looking pretty old walking towards me. Due to the dim light I was not able to see her but when she came close to me and light flashed on her face.

"Lily aunty" was all I could say. I was in a shock as I was seeing her after 9 years.

"Manik" she came running to me and hugged me, crying bitterly.

"Where were you manik? Where were you? When your princess needed you the most" she was continuously chanting, complaining to me.

"Lily aunty... I" But before I could continue we heard a scream and Lily aunty left me ran from where the sound came. Even I went behind her. I reached the place, a pain pricked my heart on seeing the person in front of me.

"Princess" I whispered out of shock.

"Nandini see I am here. No one is here bacha" Lily aunty was consoling her as see was shivering and was in a very vulnerable condition.

"Pakka nah. Yaha koi Nahi hai. " she said shivering and looking around to make sure no one was there. That's when she saw me for the first time in these 8 years. She started shivering again.

"See aunty. He is here. Please save me from them. If he is here Matlab Voh logh be aane vale hai. Please don't leave me alone." She clinged to Lily aunty more and more hiding herself. A tear trembled down my cheek seeing her in this condition. She does not remember me. She forgot who I am? I was thinking as tears were continuously flowing down my eyes.

"Nandini do you remember I use to tell you about your boyfriend, that one day he will come and save you from all these cruel people." Lily aunty asked nandini. But I was confused.


Nandini was in a relationship?

"Where is he aunty. Please take me to him. Please. Mujhe Nahi rahna Yaha. Please take me to him." Nandini said while standing up holding Lily aunty's hand. Her eyes had a spark in them to meet him. To be with him. Her eyes were showing a hope that someone will come to take her out of this hell.

"Look there he is" Lily aunty said as she pointed her fingers towards me and my eyes literally bulged out.

"Really Lily aunty he is my boyfriend" she asked Lily aunty to get a final confirmation from her looking at me. Then looked at Lily aunty who just nodded her head.

The next minute nandini was in my arms snuggling closer to me, crying out loudly. I was standing there trying to take in everything which was going on.

When I felt someone's hand on my hands, I looked down at nandini who was looking at me. She told my hand around her back, pleading me to hold her with her eyes.

That's when I came out of my shock and took her in a bone crushing hug. Holding her tightly. Once again tears made their way to my cheeks.

"Princess" I whispered

Hearing it nandini hugged me tightly.

Lily aunty was looking at us, smiling. She came to me.

"Manik I need to tell you something very important." she said while I was caressing nandini's hair, calming her down.

I nodded as I wanted all the answers to my questions which only Lily aunty could give. I picked up nandini as she was not ready to leave me. She hide her face into my neck.

"Manik all this happened that day when you..." she told me everything that happened that day. What happened to nandini. I held nandini close to me. I'll never let her go. I kissed her on her forehead as she had slept by now.

"You are my only hope manik. Please take her out of this pain. Please take her far away from this place. Her behaviour might change sometimes. There are many more changes in her which you will come to know. I cant explain you everything now. We don't have time. Please don't scolded her or shout at her. Please be by her side every time. Take her to Mumbai with you manik" Lily aunty told me holding one of nandini's hand.

"Lily aunty you are also coming with us" I told Lily aunty.

"No manik I cant come."

It's just when we heard someone shouting for nandini, running here and there searching for her.

"Manik go from here. Just leave." she said panicking.

"Aunty even you are coming"

"No manik I can't. Just go. Take nandini away from her and please take care of her. Promise me."

" I promise"

I left from there carrying nandini. I heard Lily aunty's scream. I turned only to find Lily aunty's body lying on the ground... Dead.

Hey guys. I hope you guys liked the update. Do like and comment on it.

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