Chapter Thirteen

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"Yes manik. She was under shock treatment for 4 years"

"How do you know?" I asked with a blank face.

"Before your father died he had taken me to check nandini, just one day before you got to know about her."

"Manik you have to be every strong for your princess. She needs you." doctor was assuring me as he sat next to me on the bed.

"Manik nandini won't let me treat her because she is scared of doctors." I just gave a confused look as I looked at him.

"Manik those people gave injections to nandini every 10 days. That person use to be dressed in a doctors coat. Lily told me when I went there with your father. Even if nandini wants to get well, she won't be able to forget her fear of a doctor coming close to her due to which she won't let them treat her. You should create such a trust between you both so that on your saying, she can say yes to for me to treat her."

"What type of injections they gave her?"

"Drugs" I was shocked to even reply.

"Drugs" I whispered

"Ya manik drug injection. Due to these drugs and shock treatment together it has effected her badly, physically. She is very weak from inside. Her brain functions of that of 5 -10 year brain of a child. She won't know what is right and what is wrong but their is a cure manik, she can lead a normal life if she let's us treat her."

"And mostly importantly manik, she trusts you blindly. Lily has always spoke about you to her to build her trust and faith on you. She knows only you can take care of her. Always be with her, never leave her hand and so never break this trust."

"Now Nandini trusts only one person and that's you. She will always cling to you, act possessive about you. Anything about you or matter related to you will make her react to extremes. She might not like someone being close to you. She would always want you around her."

"What about the marks on her body?" I asked.

"These are belt marks, burnt marks, some of them are old and some are new like these ones." he told me examining nandini and showing the marks to me.

"I'll give you an ointment for it"


"Okay manik. I'll leave. There is much much more to what we see so be careful and take full care of your princess."

I nodded.

"One more thing. Don't trust your love ones or close ones in matters related to Nandini. Manik who ever kidnapped nandini will surely be looking for her so stay safe. Always remember one thing if by any chance they succeed in taking Nandini with them and if she goes back to that same world, then I am sorry we will lose her forever."
Saying this he walked out.

A lone tear escaped my eyes.

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