Chapter forty three

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Manik POV

"Still sleepy?" I asked, kissing her temple.

"Hmm" she tightened her hug, pressing her face on my back.

"Then why did you come down baby? You should have slept instead of coming down?" I turned off the stove and turned towards her wrapping my hands on her waist.

She rested her head on my chest and whispered "I was unable to sleep. Your warmth was missing." Saying this she snuggled into my chest.

Oh baby!!

I kissed her temple and hugged her more tightly.

I held her waist and made her sit on the slab. I cupped her face making her look into my eyes "Why are you so careless about yourself? Huh."

"What did I do!?" She spoke with utter innocence in her tone.

"You did this?" I pointed towards her leg and continued. "Who told you come down and strain your leg?"

"Its not hurting" she tried to defend herself. "Plus I was missing you" she said with a pout. I kissed her pout and hugged her tightly.

"Please take care of yourself. For me." She nodded against my neck. "I will. For you"

I turned, facing my back towards her "Hop on." She immediately climbed my back, wrapping her arms around my neck and legs on around my waist. I poured the coffee in a mug "Let's go!" Saying this I started walking towards our room.


"Is it paining" I asked her after applying the cream on her marks.

"Nope" she snuggled in my neck.

"Here. Wear your blouse." I held her blouse in front of her to take it.

Right now she was sitting in her inners with towel wrapped around her and it took all my strength not to pounce on her.

Your are driving me crazy nandini.

"I don't want to wear it." She said and turned towards me.

"Why?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"Because I want to wear your shirt." I chuckled at her demand.

"Anytime. Wait here I'll get you a shirt." Saying this I tried moving but she didn't bludge.

"I want to wear this shirt." She said pulling the shirt I am wearing.

"I'll get you a new shirt. Wait here"

"Nope. I want this shirt. This is also new." Saying this she gave a cheeky smile which I have never seen on her face.

Leaving my thoughts behind, I just agreed to her. I removed my shirt and gave it to her. But she pushed the shirt away and hovered over me.

My eyes widened looking at nandini who was giving seductive looks.

She started moving her index finger on my face, seductively while I gulped my saliva looking at her. "Kiss me" she said while rubbing her thumb on my lower lip.


"Shh! Don't talk. Just kiss me!" Saying this she placed her lips on mine and started kissing me. Due to shock my eyes widened, and I was unable to respond to the kiss.

She held my hands and wrapped it around her waist. She cupped my face and bit my lips, to enter my mouth.

I closed my eyes in pleasure, pulled her closer and started responding. Both of us started fighting for dominance. Our desperation was clearly seen in our kiss. How thirsty we are for each other. My hands started roaming all over her back while her hands were tangled around my neck.

We broke the kiss gasping for air. I looked at her lips which were wet due to the kiss which we shared seconds ago. I traced my tongue all over her lips before taking her lips, whole into my mouth again.

I shifted our position, hovered over her. I broke the kiss and started planting kisses all over her neck, throat.

"Ummm... Maaaannnniikk" All she could do was moan my name and bare my tortures. The kisses were wild and hot. I literally started kissing her neck, hard ones. Her fragrance were hitting my nostrils hard. Her smooth, soft skin and her strawberry fragrance, had blocked my thinking process.

I pulled the knot of her towel, which touched the floor. My hands went towards her melons, started pressing it while leaving wet kisses on her cleavage.

"Ohhh manik!" She moaned my name and started pulling me closer as I took her skin, near her cleavage between my teeth and bit it. I rolled my tongue on it, followed by wet kisses.

I trailed kisses all over her stomach. She wrapped her legs on my back. Her hands clutched tightly against my hair. She was a moaning mess lying under me. She pulled me on top and started sucking my lips hard. I immediately responded to her kiss. Her hands were roaming all over my back, pulling me closer while I started massaging her melons. I pinched her melon. As soon as she gasped I slid my tongue inside her mouth, tasting each and every corner of it. I broke the kiss feeling her breathless. I rested my head on her shoulder, breathing heavily.

"Make love to me boyfriend!" Nandini said as soon as her breathes were normal.

I looked start into her eyes. My lips almost touching hers. "You don't know what you are asking for" I said caressing her cheek.

"I know what I am asking for. Make love to me."

What will manik's reply be??

Will he make love to her no not??"

Hey guys. I hope you like the update.

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