Chapter Two

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"Ahhh" nandini started throwing things here n there. Hearing this I went to her room only to see her in a very vulnerable state, swollen eyes, messy hair.

"Nandini" saying this I went near her and tried to hold her but she jerked my hand.

"Don't come near me. mein ne kuch Nahi kiya hai. Please leave me. I won't even shout. Please don't hit me. Please." she was continuously chanting, mostly whispering to herself. Her legs were folded near her chest and her hands were on her legs, looking continuously towards her knees. Her whole body was moving to and fro, sweating and shivering badly.

I felt a strong pain in my heart looking at her like that. I was cursing myself for not able to remove her pain or take it away.

I was cursing myself for not being with her all these years when she needed me the most. I composed myself and looked at her.

"Princess" I called her in a very soft voice.

"Princess" I called her again in the same voice and this time she responded to it. She looked at me.

"Princess won't you come to your boyfriend" I said opening up my arms, inviting her for a hug gesturing by my fingers

She looked at me for a moment while I was standing in the same position waiting for her.

She crawled near me and stood in front of me.

"Boyfriend?" said pointing towards me.

All I could do was nod my head. After a long pause she spoke again "Achha. agar tum mere boyfriend ho... toh tell me what is my boyfriends name?" she asked in a very childish manner. I just wanted to hold her and kiss her senselessly.

Manik compose your self. I told my self

"Manik. Nandini's manik"

She immediately hugged me listening to this. I responded back hugging her tightly.

We stayed like that god knows how long. Nandini broke the hug and looked into my eyes.

"Boyfriend you won't leave me and go nah" she whispered. Fear was clearly seen in her eyes.

"Never will I leave my princess again." I said cupping her face

"Chalo. Let's go. My princess eill be hungry nah"

"No. I don't wanna eat. Nahi Khaana" she immediately shouted, jerked my hands and moved towards the bed.


"Nahi khaana"

Why is she behaving like this?

Why is she running from food?

I have to do something. She will fall sick. She has not eaten anything since morning.

"Okay don't eat but I am hungry. Bye." I was about to leave when she came running to me and held my hand.

"Kaha ja rahe ho?"

"Khaana khane. Tumhe toh bhook nahi hai nah but I am damn hungry. So.."

"Tum. You will leave me alone here. Mujhe daar laga toh"

"Come with me. Don't eat just sit with me."

She nodded and held my hand tightly tangling our fingers together. I smiled at her. She smiled back. I tightly my fingers on her hand and started walking down stairs.

Let's see how will manik make nandini eat her food.

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