Chapter Twenty

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Author's POV


Cabir looked up.


Shocked looking at the person in front of him. His eyes started brimming with tears as he was not able to believe seeing the person in front of him.

"How dare to punch my boyfriend"
Saying this she punched him.

"How dare you touch my boyfriend." Again she punched him and started pushing him.

But cabir was too numb to react anything. He was busy fighting with himself, making himself believe about whatever was happening was reality. It was not a dream. Tears started flowing from his eyes.

He looked at manik was assurance. That what ever he is seeing is real.

Manik understood his best friend cum brother and nodded positively with tears rolling down his cheek but manik wiped it. He went towards nandini because he knows if he does not stop her now, Cabir will land up being in a hospital.

"Princess. Stop." Manik said while going near her who was continuously slapping and pushing cabir.

Manik held nandini by her waist and pulled her towards him.

"Leave me boyfriend. How can he touch you." she shouted on top of her voice and turned towards manik. She cupped his cheeks and spoke "Only I have the right to touch you. No one else." She said in a babyish tone with pouted lips. Manik felt like gobbling her up.

His heart was filled with ecstasy. He loved the way nandini claimed her right on him. Right which he had only given to her many years ago which was of course unknown to her. He loved the way she called him, Hers.

As if only she has a legal right on him and No one else. Just like the same way how she use to show her right on him in childhood.

"Say nah boyfriend. Only I have the right to touch you nah." All manik could do was nod his head.

"See. Now even boyfriend told that only I have a right to touch him." she told turning towards cabir. She side hugged manik, tightened her arms around his waist. Showing her right which she has on manik.

Manik and cabir smiled at her innocence but suddenly she was pulled out of the hug, roughly.

Aliya held one of her hands and pulled her away from manik, piercing her nails into nandini's skin.

"How dare you slap and punch cabir." Aliya said tightening her hold on nandini's hand as her anger raised with ever word which was coming out of her mouth. She raised her hand other hand to slap her.

Nandini closed her eyes seeing aliya's hand which was ready to make finger imprints on her face.

"How dare you aliya." Manik said furiously. He held aliya's hand before it could reach nandini's face and pulled nandini's hand from aliya's hold taking her in a side hug.

"How fucking dare you raise your hand on her?" Manik said with anger spitting out from his eyes.

"Manik why the hell are you shouting at aliya and that to because of her. Who is she? And why the hell is she calling you her boyfriend? Does this bitch even know the meaning of it." Mukti said coming towards manik and nandini. She was going to hold nandini's hand but cabir held her hand, coming in front of them. Facing his back towards them.

"Enough. Don't you dare call her a bitch." He yelled on top of his voice.

"Wow. Here we are fighting of you cause she slapped you but you are fighting for her itself." Mukti said in a sarcastic tone.

"She slapped me right. When I don't have a problem, when I didn't say anything then why are you guys interfering." Cabir yelled at them.

"And next time better not abuse her. I won't tolerate it."

Mukti and aliya were shocked witnessing manik's and cabir's this side as never they shouted on them or spoke rudely to them.

Cabir turned towards manik and nandini. His eyes again started brimming seeing nandini's condition.

Nandini was holding manik tightly from his waist. Pushing her head more and more into his chest. She was in a very vulnerable state, sweating and shivering in manik's arms. Weeping silently.

Manik was caressing her cheek, hair, trying to calm her down.

"Princess calm down. See. No one will harm you."

"Boyfriend is there nah with you."

"Shhh. Stop crying."

"Manik take nandini to your room. She needs rest." Cabir said

Manik nodded.

"Princess come let's go." Manik said politely. He tried to move but nandini held on to him more tightly and looked at manik.

The next second nandini was in manik's arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hide her face in his chest. Still weeping, silently.

Manik turned and walked towards his room with crying nandini in his arms.

Hey guys. I hope you liked the update. Please like and comment on it.

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