Chapter Twenty Two

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Nandini kissed manik near his lips where there were dried blood strains. All thanks to cabir's punch. Manik's eyes literally popped out.

"Is it still paining?" nandini asked with a innocent face.

I just nodded my head and made a puppy face as I wanted more.

"I'll make it alright. Come here." Saying this she pulled me from my collar, holding it and again pressed her lips at the edge of mine. This time for a little longer time.

I so cursed cabir for not hitting me on my lips. Damn you cabir.

"Is it still paining?" She asked again.

I nodded my head again.

I so love the way she was showing her care on me. By showering her kisses. I just wanted more and more of it.

She again came close to me but...

"Excess of medicine is also not good, Manik"

And our cabir is back. Of course with his wrong timings like always.

He was standing near the door with a smirk on his face. I so wanted to punch him right now.

Nandini looked at him with furious eyes.

"See because of you boyfriend got hurt. You punched him nah. Look it is paining so much for him."

"But even you punched me." Cabir said to justify himself.

"That is because you punched boyfriend. I will not leave you."
There you go. Her tigress mood is on again. She was about to jump out of my lap when I held her waist tightly, pulling her closer to me.

"Princes see i am fine now. Daar bhi nahi ho raha hai."

"Pakka." She said with eyes full of concern.

"Pakka promise. My princess gave me a very sweet medicine sometime back." I whispered in her ears completely forgetting about cabir standing in from of us. She just looked down and blushed.

"Guys if you have forgotten let me remind you that I am also here." Cabir said in a mocking tone.

"What do you want cabir?" I asked in an irritating tone while pulling nandini closer to me. Even she hugged me tightly. Before cabir could answer, nandini spoke.

"Who is he?"

My gaze shifted from nandini to cabir. That's when I noticed cabir's eyes, it had become watery.
I gestured him to come and sit through my eyes.

He immediately came and sat.

"Princess he is one of your friend."


"Yes friend. You know when we were small we always use to be together. Eat. Fight. Sleep. You both always use to irritate me a lot, play pranks on me. You use to call him partner in crime. You guys use to call each other partner."

She looked at me then cabir.

"Sorry I punched you very hard.
I didn't know you were boyfriend's friend, Partner."

A lone tear escaped from cabir's eyes after listening partner from nandini's mouth. She realised that she called him partner. She looked at me.

"Can I call him partner" she said looking at me, fidgeting with my fingers with hers.

"Ask him."

After taking assurance from me, she turned to cabir.

"Can I call you partner??"

Cabir could just nod his head.

"Friends?" Saying this nandini forwarded her hand towards cabir still sitting on my lap.

He too shook her hand.

There was silence prevailing in the room as non of us spoke after that.

Cabir was looking at nandini. Trying to gasp what and all happened few hours ago.

Nandini was sitting on my lap. Her hands wrapped around my waist. Holding me tightly. Resting her head on my shoulder.



"Please tell me about our childhood. I want to know how I was, how you were, how partner was. Everything."

Before I could answer, Cabir spoke. "Of course. We'll tell you." His eyes showed happiness as his partner wanted to know about our childhood which were the most precious and beautiful moment of our life's.

"Really." Saying this nandini jumped out of my lap and went and sat near cabir."

"Yes. Manik and I will tell you about our childhood but not like this."

Nandini and I gave a confusing look to cabir.

Guess what is cabir upto.

Hey guys. I hope you like the update. Please like and comment on it.

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