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"daughter of the ambers, descendant of the griffin."


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Blend in with the snakes in the sea of green and silver, mama once told her. It was enough to tell Diana Allister that she was expected to be a Slytherin- nothing less. The Allisters had all been Ravenclaws, but her mother was a Griffin. A proud Griffin.
The Griffins were a long line of pure-blood Slytherins that had existed since the founders of Hogwarts built the magnificent castle. It was fabled that they were descended from the unity of a griffin shapeshifter and a pure-blood woman. They were like royalty in the wizarding world, fawned over for their unique silvery-blonde hair and different-coloured eyes. Violet eyes. Such beautiful eyes, people would tell Diana. Such beautiful silver hair.
Even as a young girl, Diana Griffin had long admired her ancestors.
Just like the Griffins before her, Diana was a witty child with a sharp, ready mind. The epitome of a true Slytherin, they'd say to her. Diana had a way of getting anyone to do anything for her, and people considered that an advantage. But they were all wrong. For she didn't.
They were all fools to think that the Curse of the Griffin was an advantage.
That "gift" was a blessing and a curse. Her gift was persuasion, which, like all powerful talents, came with a consequence. That consequence was a curse- a curse of painful, lively visions that would get stronger and more vivid as time went. Most people with this curse started having visions at the age of thirteen. And from that point, it did not get any better.
And yet her persuasion was only a drop of water in the endless vast ocean of the world- a grain of sand in the beach- a book in the great library of the universe. Diana was far more than just gifted. She was cursed. The Curse of the Griffin, they called it.
The Griffin family had been cursed since the very start- stated in wizarding myths, with beauty and a silver tongue. It was not a gift.
You would be a fool to think of it as one.
Now let's move on to the story, shall we?
On the fourteenth of September, 1959, Diana Ophelia Griffin-Allister was born of Cynosure Griffin and James Allister. On that day, a girl with the Gift of the Griffin was born.
Or, rather, the Curse of the Griffin.


"Idiot!" exclaimed Diana, chasing her brother, Jaime, through Allister Manor. It was no surprise that the little troublemaker stole her wand right before she had to leave for Platform 9 3/4. She really hated when her brother did that; the both of them had a quite large age gap, and yet he seemed to act like he was older than her.
She eventually caught up to Jaime. An advantage of being taller was that you had greater stride distance. She held her wand triumphantly as Jaime frowned.
She led James back to the Main Hall, where they took seat around a mahogany table, the golden chandelier lighting up the hall brilliantly, providing a soft golden glow to the room.
"Sorry, Di," said Jaime with an innocent expression on his face. Not that Diana believed it, of course. Jaime was not innocent at all.
Diana shook her head and let out a light laugh. "Where's Victoria?"
"Locked in her room," said Jaime, throwing out those words as if it were a casual sentence. "Father found out that she was hanging out with muggles," he spat out.
Diana nodded. Victoria Griffin-Allister was a young girl with the Allister silver-blonde hair and amber eyes. She was different from Diana and James- she'd always seemed odd and out of place. She was a few years than Jaime- about one and a half years, to be exact. Jaime would start her first year at Hogwarts when Diana started her fifth, and Victoria shortly after.
Diana didn't like that her family prided too much on their bloodline. She was not allowed to talk to any "half-breed", "mudblood", or "filthy muggle". She was taught at an early age that pure-bloods were superior. Diana disagreed, but knowing her family, it would be best if she kept her mouth shut when she was around them.
"Honestly, it would be much better if mum and dad didn't lock Victoria up and leave it be, but I don't have the right to protest," said Diana, flicking some stray hairs away from her face. "Now let's go. We can't be late."
James held her hand as they slowly walked through the dimly-lit hallway of Griffin Manor, going out through the iron gates with griffins on each side. (It had one silver griffin that looked calm and serene, and another that looked fiery and dangerous, with fire as its wings.) (It was to depict the curse of the griffin.)
Diana approached her parents, who had scowls on their faces. It was clear that they were mad at Victoria. Diana's smile faltered. She kept a stoic expression on her face, unblinking.
Her parents gestured to the Portkey; a rose.
Diana hoisted her trunk up, grabbing her wand tightly. She raised her finger and prepared to touch the Portkey, taking a deep breath. It was finally going to be her first year at Hogwarts.
James carried her owl cage. Inside the cage, Zephyrus squirmed. The owl loved being free and hated being caged. And with that, Diana touched the Portkey, ready to be teleported to the platform, off to her first year of Hogwarts.
The last thing she saw before teleporting was her parents and James doing the same thing. She was spun by the Portkey and felt herself being teleported to Platform Nine Three Quarters.
"Ten fifty-three from Griffin Manor," said a voice.
From that moment, Diana was off to an adventure of love and insanity, a journey with twists and turns that she would not expect at all. Little did she know that something was coming straight towards her way like a comet, and that it would change her life completely. Fate had things planned for Diana Griffin, and some things from that plan weren't pleasant. Nevertheless, it couldn't hurt to put in a bit of fun, could it?
Insanity and love, packed into one. Why not?
Fate had things planned for her, and it involved a cruel plan, a dice thrown onto the ground, and of course- unfortunate results.

q: favourite flowers?

a: hmmm probably peach blossoms

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