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Diana walked in on Severus doing something horrible. Making cuts on a fourth year's body. Blood was leaking out, slices were present on the blonde girl's chest. She gaped in horror at the sight of it. Never in a million years would Diana expect Severus to do such thing. She did admit – he knew a lot of dark spells, but she didn't actually think that he would perform them on someone. Quickly, she reached out to her wand and grabbed it from the pocket of her robes.
"SEV! STOP OR I WILL FUCKING HEX YOU TO OBLIVION! PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" Diana yelled, waving her wand. Severus was frozen. Before taking advantage with the fact that the greasy-haired Slytherin was frozen, Diana hesitated for a moment. She wasn't sure if he deserved a slap or a punch. Freak it, Diana thought, kicking the boy in the place where the Sun doesn't shine. Sev looked like he was in excruciating pain – but Diana didn't care. He did something horrible, and that was an act that deserved to be punished. You do not just harm people who did nothing wrong to you, for no apparent reason at all.
Diana let out a heavy breath. "Finite Incantatem." she muttered smoothly, reversing the spell she had done before. "What was that for, Snivellus?" asked Diana, using the name Potter and Black used on Severus. She snapped at him.
It was the only time she ever snapped at him, and she had no regrets on that. He deserved to be tortured, especially at that very moment. The Hufflepuff didn't deserve to be harmed by him at all. She was innocent and young. She didn't deserve the pain Severus had bestowed upon her. Not at all, in matter of fact.
"I was only testing a spell," said Severus coldly, staring right into her eyes. His cold, dark eyes met her amethyst ones.
"Harming a little girl. As the prefect of Slytherin- alongside Edmund Payne, I hereby give you detention. Five points from Slytherin," said Diana. She was thankful that she was the prefect of Slytherin at that very moment. That was a small gesture from her that would teach him. But if he did it again, she would take big action. Heck, she'd even report him to Headmaster Dumbledore.
Severus glared at her.
He spat at her. "You only want the Gryffindors to win. You're one of them now – a filthy blood traitor," he said, putting emphasis on the words filthy blood traitor. Diana clenched her fists. The Slytherin was taunting her.
"I choose violence," said Diana, punching him.
In the nose. Just like what she did to Black. Diana headed over to the poor girl. "Petrificus Totalus," she said, freezing Severus once more. It would buy her some time to bring the girl to Madam Pomfrey to heal her. Surely Madam Pomfrey would know how to heal her. She's dealt with worse.
"Are you okay? What year are you in and what's your name?" said Diana, patting the girl's back. She needed to make sure that she was okay. Snape had done bad things to her and she needed to be taken care of immediately. Panic surged through her veins as she tried to handle the girl as quick as she could. She wouldn't want the girl to be harmed even badly.
"F-fourth year," she said shyly, stuttering those words out. Diana felt pity for her; she didn't deserve to be tortured that way. "My name is Amelia. Amelia Hutch."
Diana shook her head, as if she weren't believing it. White was another pure-blood family, distantly related to the Blacks. Which meant that they were very, very, very distantly related to each other. "Vulnera Santetur," said Diana, hoping to reverse the spell. The blood was all cleaned up and the scars started healing slowly, but it wouldn't heal just yet. Key word: just yet. It was kind of a temporary spell; Diana was just a beginner at spellmaking, and she knew that the spell she made was weak and wouldn't last long. Her dream was to become a spellmaker and a Potions' master. Diana pulled the girl up, making her stand up. She gave one last, cold glare at Severus before bringing the girl to the Hospital Wing, whispering words of support to the girl every once in a while.
The Slytherin opened the door to the Hospital Wing.
She hoisted the girl up, since she was thin. Very thin, and placed her down gently on a bed (she may be thin, but she was quite heavy). She needed to eat more. Diana promised silently that when she graduated from Hogwarts, she would take care of the girl and make sure that she gets treated right. If she ever graduated alive, that was. She knew about the curse inside her, and that would take hold of her someday.
"Madam Pomfrey!" Diana called out, and a strict-looking woman came out. She walked over to the voice and approached Diana and the small girl named Amelia. "She needs to be taken care of," said Diana to the matron.
"My dear," said Madam Pomfrey, immediately getting worried. "You can leave us now," said Madam Pomfrey as Diana exited the Hospital Wing, wand still in hand. She decided to go to the Room of Requirement, which Remus had told her about. She needed a good book to read, and possibly some tea. Apple tea, to be precise. Diana walked quickly to the floor she wanted and spun around three times. I need a room to relax. I need a room to relax. I need a room to relax, thought Diana. A door appeared. Diana opened the door, only to reveal something quite unexpected.
It was the Four Marauders, surrounding a cauldron filled with a blue potion and Patronuses flying in the air. The Four Marauders gawked at her.
"What are you doing?" asked Diana, entering the room, sitting on one of the scarlet sofas present. She asked for a room where she could relax, not a room where she would bump into the Marauders, out of all people. She groaned inwardly.
"You see, we are — " Peter was about to say. He was later interrupted by Remus, who was just as nervous as him.
" — doing something — " said Remus nervously, shuffling around with a nervous aura around him. Diana raised an eyebrow at that. It wasn't like Remus to be that nervous; she had known him for a lot of years, and he had never looked as nervous as that, that was for sure. She was about to ask him something, but James interrupted her before she could even say anything. Anything.
" — you do not need to know — " added James, looking nervous, unlike his usual confident self.
"We're becoming illegal Animagi," said Sirius, before James put a hand over his mouth. Sirius licked James' hand (Diana flinched slightly at that sight) and James instantly let go of it like a hot piece of metal.
"Could I join in?" asked Diana, surprising the four. The only reason she said that was that they looked like they were confused and they couldn't do it. They looked like they needed help. Also, Diana had wanted to become animagi for such a long time. She knew what her Patronus was, and she disguised it as a wispy, bright light that they couldn't make shape of. If it were her actual Patronus, it would be a great form of animagi.
"Sure, I guess," said Sirius with a shrug.
"Do you know how to cast a Patronus?" asked James.
"It would be ridiculous if I didn't," said Diana, rolling her eyes. "Expecto Patronum!" she exclaimed, thinking of her happy memories she spent with Remus and Lily. Mostly Remus, though.
A wispy, silver-blue object came out of her wand. It was Diana's Patronus. A shield Patronus. She couldn't let them know what her actual Patronus was. They didn't question what her Patronus was at all, which she was very thankful of. If they did, she wouldn't know what to answer them with, staying speechless.
The four Marauders watched as wispy, silver-blue light danced shone strongly in front of their very eyes, before it dissolved into the air. Into nothingness. Into oblivion. Sirius, James, Remus, and Peter gave a slow clap. In their opinion, that was a breathtaking show of magic. Diana smiled. She wanted to say thank you, but Remus had begun talking, and she had to listen to what he was saying. She needed to focus, for once; her concentration faded off easily, and she herself knew it.
"Well, let's finish the potion. Then, after we drink it, we would be one step closer," said Remus. Diana nodded in agreement.
"And then we do the rest of the process," Sirius added.
"Let's not forget that we'll have a mandrake leaf in our mouths for a month. I'd suggest doing this during the holidays," James pointed out. He was right, she had to admit.
Peter squeaked. "How would we get the mandrake leaves?" he questioned.
There was a pause with the group.
"Let's say that I have a certain Invisibility Cloak to use." said James with a rather... mischievous glint in his hazel eyes. Diana knew that glint very well, and she was used to seeing it in his eyes.
Peter nodded. Diana spoke up, "That's rate, Potter. It's made of bloody Demiguise skin, out of all things — and it's hard item to obtain. It requires finding a Demiguise, and they're quite hard to find," which made James smile even wider, if it was even possible. She wanted to go on about it, but the question James had asked Diana next got her taken aback slightly, and she had forgotten what she was about to say.
"Could you ask Evans to go out with me?" asked James, earning him a scowl.
"No, Potter." said Diana sharply.
If James wanted Lily to go out with him, he would have to do it on his own. Things were better if you did it on your own sometimes. For example, you don't pass a message using another person to someone. You passed on the message on your own. It would mean more that way. Unless you had to attend to other issues and couldn't tell the person yourself about what you wanted to say. Once, in her third year, she had met a boy named Corey. She met him around the middle of September, and had fallen for him in October. They had their moments, and now she had gotten over him. She remembered every single thing that happened during their time as lovers; practically lovers, at least. They flirted with each other and their moments were sweet. People even thought they were a couple.
But in November, he had admit to have a crush on someone else. He also dated his ex after that. The February of the next term, when Diana told him about her feelings, he had asked "why me?" and she wanted to punch him in the face when he said that.
Why him? He was special. She used to hate him, but it could've been because he was there for her when no one ever was.
She then spent months being heartbroken. She got over him eventually, but she would never forget when Victoria, her little sister, sent him a long letter and he told her sister to pass a message to Diana herself, saying that he was sorry for being a jerk and asshole.
It would've meant more if he sent the message on his own.
The lesson obtained from that experience of falling in love with him was that you shouldn't fall for a straight white boy who gave you mixed signals and messed with your emotions, along with the fact that messages were better if you sent them on their own. Not using another person. Everything means more if you say it yourself, even if it would hurt the person you're speaking to.
Now it was James's turn to frown. Diana just smiled at his response. A smirk, actually. A good smirk.
That was the day Diana Allister truly became friends with the Marauders. Just by stumbling upon them at the Room of Requirement after finally breaking ties with Severus, after their five-year friendship that Diana ended because she saw him torturing a Hufflepuff who was innocent and did nothing to him. It was time for a new era. The era when Gryffindors and Slytherins aren't rivals. But since when does it become easy for something to happen without consequences? Trouble will be bestowed upon the five soon enough.
And as people say;
Nothing comes without a price.
And that price, in this case, might cause loss to the population of the wizarding world, tarnishing the name of two noble houses. Nonetheless, Diana Allister was willing to take that risk. She didn't care about the status of her as a pure-blood from a noble house. Friends were friends, and there was nothing you could change about that fact.
What was to come between Diana Allister, Remus John Lupin, and Sirius Orion Black was unpredictedable. And there was a quote to match their situation at that time. Love causes people to do crazy things. After all, crazy is the new normal, as people say. There was not going to be any normal thing happening between them soon, especially with the fact that they lived in an "abnormal" world; a world filled with magic, unlike the muggle world.
Not normal anymore.

q: favourite stationery item?

a: gel pen. why did i ask this question?

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