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Remus John Lupin was the brain behind all the Marauders' pranks, although most people never really suspected him. If he had to be honest with himself, he loved pranking. And the fact that he got away with them easily. He was seen as the most innocent and smart one out of the Marauders, but in truth, he was quite different from what people saw him as.

       That very day — somehow the Marauders made Diana Allister join in with them. Diana 'freaking intelligent pure-blood Slytherin' Allister had agreed to join in. And Remus was also, in matter of fact, surprised that she had decided to cut ties with Snape. Snape, her friend. Out of all people, Diana had cut off ties with him. He'd think that she'd be more likely to cut off ties with Remus himself, and Lily, because of the whole pure-blood thing, but apparently she cut off ties with Snape.

       During that point, the Marauders and Diana Allister were seated in a circle, surrounding the Marauder's map. "So," Diana began to speak. "You need a spell to finish this map? I think it's done," said Diana cautiously with a raised eyebrow. She wasn't sure if it was actually done or not. At all.

       "We just need it to do insults." said Sirius.

       "Well. Insultus revetico. Completin aryaticus," said Diana, pointing her wand to the map. Instantly, the map made blank spots for insults. Diana looked pleased with herself. Remus' eyes lit up at an instant.

       "We just need some. One for students. One for professors. One for Snivellus. One for a future prankster. And one just in case Snivellus becomes a Professor. We know it's likely." said James grimly. It was indeed possible that Severus Snape would be a professor in Hogwarts in the future. Diana had no doubt in that. Probably Defense Against the Dark Arts or Potions. Potions is more likely, though. Diana started drawing on the piece of parchment with her finger. She listened to the Marauders and wrote what they wanted. It didn't take a long time for her to write down all of the insults. When she was done with it, the five looked pleased with themselves. They had finally written down the insults just in case some people stumbled upon it.

Moony presents his compliments to Professor
Snape, and begs him to keep his abnormally
large nose...

       And as soon as Diana was done, her finger was sore and tired.

       "Anyways," Remus interrupted the brief silence. "The Halloween prank," said Remus, dragging a piece of paper to the middle of their circle. It was blank, and each and every of them were going to suggest ideas for the Halloween prank.

       James was the first to go. He wrote, holograms chasing away the Slytherins after they get covered in red and gold glitter (for Gryffindor) and turning their hair into scarlet and gold. Diana hoped that the prank wouldn't affect her, too, if they picked James' prank, for she was a Slytherin. No doubt, she was ambitious and cunning, and she belonged in the house of emerald and silver.

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