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"What if I rhyme 'Lily' with 'Lilyflower'? Will that work?" asked James when they were in the middle of Transfiguration class.

       "Potter. Concentrate, if you please," said Diana with a roll of her eyes, having the urge to laugh because of how stupid James was. Lily did not rhyme with Lilyflower at all, both of them were entirely different words. "No, it doesn't bloody works you idiot. Don't try to rhyme 'Lily' with anything. I'm not a poet. Go ask Regulus — "

       "Regulus writes poems?"

       "I should not have said that."

       "I'll keep my mouth shut," said James with a zipping gesture. Diana glared at him and huffed. She didn't believe that he would keep his mouth shut. He would probably taunt Regulus with it.

       The rest of the lesson continued with James making his love poem to Lily. Poem wasn't a word to describe it, really, since it was quite bad. But Diana was not the one to judge, for she herself could not write poetry. She wasn't really good in complicated words and rhyming. Peter, meanwhile, was really good at rhyming. Why — in Transfiguration, did I sit with James? thought Diana. Lily was with Snape. Remus was with Peter. And somehow — Sirius and James weren't together. Sirius got seated with another Gryffindor. But we could pick our own seats, Diana reminded herself. Why did Sirius and James separate?

Diana refused to speak to James the whole lesson, leaving the bespectacled boy bored.

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"Why do we have to study for OWLs?" Sirius groaned, slamming his book down on the floor with a thud. Diana felt the urge to slap him. OWLs were compulsory, mandatory, whichever word you'd like to use to describe it.

       "Because they're requirements to get a job, stupid," said Diana with a roll of her eyes.

       Sirius yawned in reply. "I'd receive an Exceeds Expectations just for turning up in the exam, love," he said, which made Diana glare at him, though in an almost playful way. "Because it would exceed their expectations that I actually turn up in the exam, I state facts only."

      "You wont, Black," said Diana, smacking him with the essay she was writing. Sirius flinched slightly, stepping away from her. James laughed at his best friend, looking up from his Transfiguration textbook. "Your loss, Padfoot," chuckled James as Diana gave Sirius one last smack.

       "Well maybe Diana could stop flirting with Sirius and go back to studying," James mused, earning him a smack from Diana. James touched his cheek dramatically and let out a high-pitched scream, which resulted in Sirius laughing at him. Sometimes they laughed at each other. Jokingly, of course.

       "Or maybe you all could focus at studying like Remus and Peter," said Lily, entering the Gryffindor Common Room, arms crossed.

       "Lily will you — "

       "No, Potter."

       "But why — "

       Lily took a deep breath and started talking to Diana instead. "Go and help you friends study, Di." said Lily with a sigh. She sounded very disappointed of them, and Diana hated to disappoint Lily.

       Diana licked her lips, frowning slightly. "I wouldn't say friends, Lily. I'd say well-known acquaintances that pay me for helping them," said Diana as James handed her five galleons with a sigh. Lily huffed and went back to the Gryffindor girls' dorms, away from the five Marauders. Four Marauders, technically. Diana would never consider herself an official Marauder, for the original Marauders were the four of them and only the four of them, no one else.

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