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Gifted. That was what the Dark Lord called her. But Diana didn't think so. As soon as word reached the Dark Lord on her persuasion, she was on the list of upcoming Death Eaters. Diana herself wouldn't even call her gifted. She wasn't gifted, for it was a curse. She didn't think it was a gift at all, and she would never consider it a gift.

A letter explained all of that.

A letter from her mother, Cynosure Rosier-Allister. She missed her mother badly, and she instantly felt bad that she hadn't mailed her mother in quite a long time. She felt like she was a horrible daughter for doing so.

But it wasn't a gift at all. It was the Curse of the Dragon, from generation to generation. Anadiae Allister II was the one that suffered from it the most. His visions drove him mad, cruel. He was Diana's grandfather, and he was Diana's own blood.

The Allisters had kept their bloodlines pure. But when Anadiae Allister II had fallen for his own sister, Rabastia Allister, they had done incest. Even though all the pure-blood families were known to be related to each other, some did incest to keep their bloodlines pure. That was disgusting, in Diana's own personal opinion.

By the rules of inbreeding, the incest was broken off when Jaime Allister married Cynosure Rosier. And yet the two were still distantly related to each other. For in the wizarding world, you couldn't be a pure-blood without being distantly related to some of them. And some of the families also aren't related to each other. Like for example, the Allisters and the Blacks. They weren't related to each other, although perhaps very distantly, so distantly. One of their ancestors had married each other thousands of years ago, perhaps, but otherwise, Diana didn't really know about her own ancestors.

But it all wasn't related to the problem. The Curse of the Dragon was passed on to Diana.

And she had endured pain from it.

14 APRIL 1977

"Come on, Wormtail!" exclaimed James as they ran quickly through the passage, hearing roars. Diana and Sirius had completed their transformations (even though Diana was getting bigger, almost not fit enough for the passage). (Diana hoped that she would still fit, as she was one of the smaller dragon breeds. She forgot what breed it was, but it was one of the smaller ones.)

They ran as James and Peter took a moment to finish their transformations. And with that, a stag, dog, mouse, and a dragon ran through the passage as fast as they could, Diana being the fastest, as she had wings. She was very thankful to have wings, they certainly sped up her movement. It was hard to control at first, but she eventually adapted to using them, thankfully.

And soon after that, they were at the Shrieking Shack. The silvery dragon backed away when it saw that the werewolf was clawing at itself violently, letting out roars of pain. The rat squirmed into the shack as the stag and the dog approached the werewolf slowly, the dog's paws making the wood of the floor creak.

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