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"Mate, there's clearly something wrong with you. You failed to hit every Bludger!" exclaimed James, the Chaser of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. He was standing in front of Sirius Black; the Beater of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team. One of the beaters, at least. James himself chose Sirius as Beater, after the tryouts. Not because Sirius was his best friend, but because Sirius was the best one for the job; and that he was a good partner for the other Beater. They worked really well together.
       "We've ran through this during our first practice yesterday," said James with a sigh. "Come on, Sirius, you can do this."
       "I told you, James, for the millionth time, I do not know why I can't do it," Sirius threw his Beater's bat to the grass. "I just don't know why," he whispered. It sounded like he was giving up, and James could not let that happen.
       "Take a break, Sirius," James advised.
       Sirius took off his scarlet-and-gold Quidditch gloves, heading over to the stands to take a seat. If he had to be honest with himself, he didn't know at all the reason he couldn't hit any of the Bludgers during Quidditch practice. He just couldn't speculate the reason at all. The black-haired Gryffindor took his seat at the Quidditch stands. The Gryffindor thought about Quidditch practice. He used to be able to hit every single Bludger. No joke, he hit all of them, although he nearly missed some of them.
"Damn," muttered Sirius, exhaling a deep breath, and his mind shifted to what happened two days ago. Two specific events that had happened two days before. He hated thinking about those events, but they just popped into his head.
       "Remus!" exclaimed Diana, a hand over her smiling mouth, a happy gleam in her violet eyes that Sirius had grown to love. He loved her so damn much, that he couldn't explain how much he loved her in words. Remus woke up and quickly slung his had over Diana's back. Sirius was watching under the Invisibility Cloak, eyes watching them with Peter and James. He was watching them out of jealousy. He was jealous of Diana and Remus.
       "My goodness, Remy." said Diana with a smile. She allowed him to put a hand over her back. Diana helped Remus put a hand over Lily's back. Sirius wanted to push Remus out of the way at that time.
       "I was just taking a rest, Diana, Lily." insisted Remus. Even Sirius knew that it wasn't true.
       "Yeah, and I'm the Queen of England!" exclaimed Lily with a smile. James was watching her, with a dazed smile on his face. That boy was head over heels for her, that was for sure.
Diana waved her wand, drying the drool off the corner of Remus' mouth with a smile. Kissing him on the cheek, which made Remus blush. Sirius hated Remus at that second, but brushed off the thought. Remus was his best friend and Sirius was supposed to be supportive of him. And yet he just couldn't be supportive of Remus. Sirius liked Diana. Unfortunately, Remus did, too, although Sirius wasn't sure if Remus' feelings for Diana were in a platonic, friendly way or in a romantic way. It was hard to differ between love and friendship sometimes , he had to admit.
And there was another event that happened. Another event that was far more worse than the one before. It wasn't just a friendly peck on the cheek. Not friendly at all.
       "But you know you love me," said Diana sweetly, her violet eyes twinkling with mischief. Those violet eyes that had a unique gleam that no one else had. "Admit it, Remus," she said, her grin going even wider. Sirius wished that she'd grin to him like that, but she never did. Not even once. Those smiles were just for Remus, out of all people. Remus! Remus John Lupin, his own best friend and fellow Marauder.
       "Oh yes I do, Diana," said Remus sarcastically, before bursting into a rather dramatic song. "Diana I love you! Diana I do! When we're apart my heart only beats for youuuuuu!" Remus rolled his eyes. Diana laughed at the Gryffindor Marauder, this time her violet eyes seemed to twinkle with delight instead of mischief.
       "That's just being dramatic, Remus." said Diana, smiling at the Gryffindor.
       That smile. The smile he had grown to adore, the smile that would be forever etched – carved into his mind, a smile he would remember forever. No matter what, he would remember Diana Allister; with her silvery blonde hair, her eyes; seeming as they were made of amethysts, and her smile that brightened his day in a second.
       Sirius was watching the two intently at that time. He had felt envy for Remus.
       Remus and Diana laughed together, almost face to face. They were getting closer, lips about to brush against each other... until James shouted Remus' name and was looking for Sirius himself.
       If Sirius had to be very honest to himself, he was jealous of Remus. Jealous of Remus because he had gotten a kiss on the cheek from Diana, even if it was only a peck on the cheek. Remus had also almost kissed Diana. At the library. James was there to save the day. Sirius once again, for the millionth time, cursed himself under his breath. Remus was his best friend. His very best friend since first year, the person he trusted the most after James. Sirius knew that he was supposed to support Remus and told the werewolf that he deserved the best. But Sirius wanted Diana for himself. And it was all because of a boy sleeping on the moving staircase. That boy, the boy with the name of Remus Lupin, the boy with brown hair and hazel eyes.
"Merlin," whispered Sirius. "Why did the they have to come?" as four people entered the Quidditch Pitch. And two of them were the people he didn't want to see the most.
Four specific people. Remus John Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans, and Diana Allister. He didn't want to see Remus and Diana at all. Not at that moment, especially. Sirius went back to the centre of the Quidditch Pitch, facing James and speaking up, "I'm done with the break," he said. He had to stand up for himself, to be brave and finally do it. To play in front of the two people he didn't want to see the most, even though he was nervous and distracted.
James nodded at him and gestured him to mount his broom. It was a Cleansweep Four. The only broom his parents wanted to buy for him. "Black! Bludgers will be thrown your way!" exclaimed James Potter himself, the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain.
Sirius mounted his broom, wearing his gloves quickly, picking up the Beater's bat, holding it in hand. He was about to unleash the anger he had on Remus. Curse Remmy, thought Sirius. Sometimes he did truly care about the werewolf, but sometimes he just wanted to punch Remus in the face. Sometimes. Emphasis on that word. Of course, he cared about his best friend, but at times he was jealous of his best friend. Remus. Remmy. Lupin. Remus. His friend since first year. Sirius shook off the thoughts quickly. He had to concentrate. He had to make his house proud. He had to make himself proud and happy. He didn't need to be jealous of Remus. His main priority was to make himself proud and happy, not jealous and nervous.
The two Bludgers was released by Wood. Sirius had his grey eyes focused on the grey-black ball. Sirius hit the Bludger with all the force he had, releasing the anger he had for Remus.
James clapped and hollered, whooping loudly. Sirius slammed the other Bludger, it hitting the stands and bouncing back wildly. Sirius smirked at the sight of him being cheered by his team. Sirius dismounted his broom after James struggled to put the two Bludgers back to the box.
The Gryffindor high-fived the other Beater, who gave him a thumbs-up.
"Good practice for today, mate. Keep it up and don't let the thing happen again." said James, referring to the time Sirius failed to hit every Bludger and ended up with several bruises.
"Thanks for giving me a break, James." said Sirius with a weak smile. Sirius headed to the changing room to change into his robes. Sirius opened the door of the Gryffindor changing room, only to reveal Remus inside.
"Remus," said Sirius casually.
"Sirius. There's something wrong with you." the brown-eyed boy said. "You avoided me for the whole day yesterday and today."
"It's nothing, Rems. Just a stressful O.W.L. year and homework." said Sirius, trying to lighten up the atmosphere. Remus just stared at the Gryffindor, sighing as he got out of the changing room. Sirius went into one of the stalls quickly, taking off his Quidditch gear. Starting with his gloves, helmet, then the Quidditch clothes. Sirius put on his white long-sleeved shirt and wore his simple black pants. He tied the scarlet-and-gold tie quickly, and the result was messy. Only if he remembered the spell to tie the tie. Sirius wore his robes over the uniform quickly. As soon as he was finished, he headed back to the broom shed to store his broom. Everyone stored their brooms there and took them back to their dorms when the last Quidditch match ended and luckily- no one was even brave enough to steal someone else's broom. Besides, it was locked at times by Madam Hooch, who taught Flying during their first year. Sirius went back to the Hogwarts Castle, passing through hallways, paintings, and students until he finally reached the Gryffindor Tower.
"Ganymede." said Sirius, muttering the password to the Fat Lady. The Fat Lady's painting opened, revealing the Gryffindor Common Room, filled with students of all ages.
Sirius quickly went to the left; to the Gryffindor boys' dorms. The Gryffindor went through dorms until he found his, entering it quickly. Sirius laid on his bed, staring at the drapes.
The drapes had several pictures.
One was the Four Marauders, together and laughing. Mrs. Potter took the picture of that one. Another was James and Sirius playing chess at the Great Hall during Christmas. Remus took that one.
Another, which he kept secretly, hidden in between the folds of the thick scarlet drapes, was a specific picture. It was the picture of him, Remus, Diana, and Lily, taken by James. It was the only picture he had of him and Diana. Diana was at the most left, Remus on the right of her. Lily was beside Sirius (reluctantly).
Sirius took the picture off his drapes.
He ripped off Remus and Lily off the picture, taping Diana and him into one. He threw the three bits of the picture into his trunk. Unseen by others.
That day wasn't a good day at all.

q: colour of shirt + item nearest to you= the name of your superhero movie

a: black water bottle.

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