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Diana was seated with the Gryffindors; there was no rules against it, after all. She was just planning with the Marauders when trouble came. Trouble from some Gryffindor boys that talked about her. Specific organs she had, in matter of fact. (She was not hesitant to use swear words this time. Fuck them, and not in that way. What she meant was fuck them up by beating them up.)

"Hey. If you had the chance to shag anyone you want, literally anyone, who would you choose?" said a Gryffindor.

"Diana bloody Allister. I mean, have you seen her tits, mate? And that one ass. They don't make 'em like that in Hogwarts. It's like she fell from heaven straight to my hands," said the other dreamily. Diana was furious, her fists clenched tight.

Diana turned to them. "And you bloody idiots need to learn to not talk to people when they could hear you. Honestly!"

The two boys turned to her, shocked that a snake was seated at the table of lions. The second boy smiled cockily at her, about to say something – but Sirius spoke first. Bloody Gryffindor trying to save her. Dammit, Black.

"Turn away now," said Sirius. "Or you'd prefer to be pranked by the Marauders? We could change your gender, and you could pleasure yourself all you want – " Sirius took a dramatic pause. (It wasn't really dramatic, but one thing for sure, it was for suspense.) "And now you could stop talking about Ana."

The first boy scowled. "I do whatever I want, Padfoot," the boy said, making fun of Sirius's nickname.

Sirius raised his wand and muttered something under his breath. The two were instantly silenced, unable to open their mouths at all.

The black-haired Gryffindor turned to Diana, who looked thankful – yet also mad. I could protect myself on my own, Black, Diana wanted to say, but those words hung on the tip of her tongue, as if it were glued there. Sirius was expecting a 'thank you' from her, waiting.

"Thank you, Black," said Diana. "But I could handle myself."

"Of course you could, love," Diana scowled at that. "But dear, I did it first, and you're supposed to be thankful.

"And I thought that your egos have deflated." muttered Diana under her breath quietly. Perhaps I thought wrong. And maybe someday their egos would deflate, thought Diana with a scowl. Diana scowled even deeper as she fed herself some roast chicken, chewing on it slowly. Sirius shouldn't have saved her. He wasn't her 'prince charming', as muggles would say. I don't need a prince to save myself, thought Diana. But a voice in her head whispered: or is he truly your prince charming? and Diana felt the urge to spit out her chicken. She didn't need Sirius's help. But deep inside her, there was an attraction to Sirius Black. He was unavoidable. Even though the attraction was as small as a grain in the sand – a drop of water in the sea – a molecule of air, it already made her notice the small things. How the cocky smirk of his softened when he talked about Astronomy, the passion he had about the subject. Diana shook her head. She shouldn't be thinking about Sirius.

eloquence | sirius black ✓Where stories live. Discover now