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Nightmares weren't supposed to appear in Diana Allister's head – especially when she had drunk the Dreamless Sleep draught precisely before she went into the land of dreams – expecting no dreams at all; just the usual sleep. But the nightmares, were in matter of fact, getting worse and more vivid each night, much to her displeasure. She wished that she didn't have them, but unfortunately she did. She muttered cursed under her breath.

       And yet again – she had one of those nightmares, another vivid one.

Diana was expecting to be standing in the middle of a battlefield, just like what happened during one of her usual visions. Her visions were usually in that battlefield, and she assumed that they were having a war, presumably with the Death Eaters, judging by the masks and dark cloaks.

But this time she had a different one.

Somehow, she was standing at the Strictly Discouraged Forest – name changed to the Forbidden Forest when there was a student uproar and forest fires (the Marauders were totally not involved) the day after the first full moon of sixth year. She recognized the tall, towering trees and the thick bushes surrounding it. She had been there multiple times – running around as a dragon while guarding a werewolf. At first, their Animagus forms were little – James was a fawn (Peter called him Bambi), Sirius was a puppy, Peter was a small rat, and Diana was a baby dragon. They grew over time, and Diana was thankful that she wasn't a large dragon. She was one of the smaller breeds.

Luckily for the rest, dragons didn't have a quick growth pace – especially with the fact that dragons lived for hundreds of years.

In the vision she saw, there was a pale man with slits as a nose, not having a nose at all – and Diana almost snorted. But she was in a vision. She could only walk. She used to be paralyzed in one place, but she eventually learnt how to allow herself to move in her visions.

A voice yelled: "HARRY! NO!"

And the bespectacled boy, 'Harry', turned. A giant was bound, tied to a tree nearby. Hagrid. His massive body shook the branches overhead as he struggled, desperate.


"QUIET!" shouted someone, and with a flick of a wand, Hagrid was silenced.

Bellatrix, which Diana recognized of her curly black hair and mad smile, leapt to her feet, looking from the pale guy and 'Harry', her breast heaving. The only things that moved was the flames and the snake, coiling and uncoiling in the glittering cage beside the pale person's head.

Harry had his wand against his body, and made no attempt to draw it. Diana headed over to the boy, holding a hand to his shoulder. He looked like he felt the touch, flinching slightly. Diana squirmed to the back. The boy felt her touch somehow. The pale person and Harry was looking at each other then, the pale one tilting his head to the side, considering the boy, and a singularly mirthless smile curled the lipless mouth.

"Harry Potter," he said, very softly. "The boy who lived."

None of the people in masks moved. They were waiting. Hagrid was struggling, Bellatrix was panting.

The pale person raised his wand, head still tilted to one side like a curious child, although he clearly wasn't a child at all. He waved his wand in a lightning-bolt shape – the hand movement of the Killing Curse, and only said two words:

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