Jealous (part one)

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I was getting ready for Baz's Uni party when I heard a knock on the door of my room. Baz was coming home today for a week and I couldn't be more excited. Usually he just stayed for the weekend. I barely opened the door when he came barrelling through to hug me. "Good to know the excitement is mutual." I giggled when he let go. I looked at him in complete awe. He always looked amazing. No matter what he was wearing.

Pajamas or a suit. He looked-

He looked-

Absolutely stunning.
I smiled at him. "All ready, love?" As if in a trance he gave me an agreeing "hmm" I laughed slightly as I put my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. I could hear his breath hitch. I smiled in my head, loving the effect I still had on him and I pressed my lips to his, drinking in his presence. He seemed to be doing the same because unlike most of our other kisses...this was soft. I pulled away and smiled at him.

I knew he was doing the same thing. I looked down at my (crooked) tie and looked back up at Baz with a questioning glance. He sighed, shaking his head as he corrected my tie.

The journey there was almost all chatter. There was so much we could talk about. That's what I love about us. We never run out of things to discuss. Feeling a sudden sense of insecurity as I allowed my mind to wander, I wondered if his Uni had any gay people. "Hey, Baz?" I decided to ask, breaking a comfortable silence. "Yeah Si?"

"Are there any queer people at your Uni?"

He was silent.


Baz snapped out of it immediately answering me with "uh yes. Plenty."

Yep. Wrong thing to say. I saw him wince from the corner of my eye. I didn't elaborate (not getting into that conversation) and kept my eyes on the road. I heard Simon clear his throat. And as well as I know him, I had no idea what was coming.
"Baz...You know I love you right?"
Frowning slightly, I gave him a small nod. I tore my eyes away from the road to glance at my boyfriend. "I love you too, Simon but...why the sudden need to tell me?"
He sighed. "It's just, as much as I know you love me....and I trust you completely. But sometimes I can't help but think that I'm not good enough for you. I'm a Normal and I'll never be amazing at academics. I have wings and a cartoon Devil's tail for fuck's sake-"

And that's when I knew it was bad. He'd been rambling but he used a swear word. Something he didn't usually do.
"-and I'm sure you have amazing guys at your Uni who are straight A students and...Baz? What are you doing?"

I pulled over on the left side of this long stretch of concrete. Sighing, I turned to the love of my life. "Simon. You're the most amazing thing that has even happened to me. And I won't forget the first time I saw you. I mean," I chuckled, stopping just to relive the memory. "The first time I saw you I thought I was dreaming. You were, are an angel and if you come along with free wings and a be it. I don't care. Maybe I do. I love them actually. And I love your love for sour cherry scones. I love the way your eyes light up when you talk about things with a passion. I love your kisses. I love your moles. I love every fibre of your being, Simon and don't you ever forget that."

I stopped and took a breath, opening my mouth to say more when he held a hand up.

My eyes were tearing up now. "Baz, that was beautiful."
He gave me a victorious smile. "Simon. I love you. And you only."
I responded by leaning forward and crashing my lips to his and I felt him smile into the kiss. I pulled away and he frowned at me. "Baz? Not to alarm you but we're going to be late."
He let out a string of curses and stepped on the accelerator zooming towards the large castle-like building ahead.

Update: I hit a 100 reads on this fic thank you sm guys

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