The Journey Continues

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Note: this takes place around July 15-20

The Cursed Child was opening in ten days. Ten days. This week could not go slower. I know Baz is as excited as I am. Although, I don't think we're going for the play. It's sad, I know. I nearly cried but there's a book so I'm okay. I think. It's Saturday and Baz'll be here in a minute now.

A slight detour. I know how much he wanted to see that play. Harry Potter was his life before and after Watford. Going to Watford was literally his dream because of Hogwarts. And I was going to make sure he wouldn't miss this.

I walked into the ticket booth and made an online transaction. I asked them to print the tickets because I wanted to give it to him, physically. So he'd have something to keep for memory.

I reached Simon's apartment and let myself in.
"Snow?" I called.

"In here!" I shouted. I was in my room. Staring at my bookshelf. I did this some times. I don't know if it was a book person thing but I just liked to look at my books and re evaluate them. Remember the stories.
"Hey." I heard Baz say from behind me. I turned and grinned. Seeing him still produced fireworks inside me. He came to sit beside me and I put my head on his shoulder.
"I think they may have a live broadcast of the play." I said. He hummed in response. I took my head of his shoulder and turned completely, to face him. "What?" I said. He looked at me, with a slightly bored expression. "Too bad we won't be here to watch it."

I felt my face heating up as I stared at him indignantly. I opened my mouth to say something when he laughed. As he reached into his coat he said "Too bad we won't be here to see it because we'll be watching it there."

I looked down at his hand, holding the tickets to opening day of Harry Potter And The Cursed Child. My mouth was slightly open in shock and tears threatened to spill. I looked back up at my bloody amazing boyfriend. I had nothing to say so I kissed him. He smiled into the kiss before pushing back.

After a minute we were lying down on the bed, holding up our hands between us, when Baz turned his head to face me. "I can't believe we're going to see the play. I feel like my life is complete."
I giggled. "I knew you were as excited as me."

Hi!!! It's short I know but I really needed to write this in order to honour Harry Potter And The Cursed Child the eigHTH BOOK IN THE HARRY POTTER SERIES ERMAGAWD. *awkwardly clears throat.* So um yeah. I'm excited. I hope you liked it. Byeee

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