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Hey guys! This was something random it's like a make out scene so if you don't like that kinda stuff feel free to skip the chapter. It's nothing heavy, nothing someone above fourteen years old can't handle. Enjoy!


They were breathing hard, almost panting. Two boys were sitting at the edge of the woods, right outside of a dimly lit cottage. One cross legged. One kneeling, hovering over the curly haired boy. The other, the Raven haired boy searched the curly haired boy's eyes.

Baz smiled at Simon, in a shy, secretive way, as if the smile was reserved for Simon's eyes only. Simon grinned back, his cheeks forming light dimples.
Their smiles alone showed how different they were from each other.

Simon smiled as though his smiles were roses he could distribute.

Baz smiled as though it was a confession, something he'd like to share with someone he trusted.

In the moment they didn't talk, but their hands wrote paragraphs. Baz's hands cupped Simon's jaw, his thumb caressing his jawline. One of Simon's hands traced a path from Baz's neck to his lips and the other rubbed doodles into his back.

"Are you cold?" Baz broke the silence. Simon swallowed, shaking his head. "No."

"Good." Said Baz as he unfolded his legs from where he was kneeling. He crawled slowly over Simon sitting figure, forcing Simon to lie down on the soft grass.

I had no idea what I was doing. My brain shut down the moment I was on all fours. All it did was register everything happening.
Simon had a look of surprise on his face as he braced himself on his elbows. I got close enough to see the rings around his pupils. There was a time I didn't think I'd get this far. I almost sent out a silent prayer.

Not close enough. Never close enough. He was slowly leaning towards me, like he was doing push up. Momentarily my eyes glanced at his arms and I could see the muscle slowly flexing, allowing him to get closer to me. I let out a shaky breath, merlin, my heart was pounding so loud I couldn't hear myself think. My fingers slid around his neck as I reached up to kiss him. It was very rare for him to take control.(I wished he would do it more, it was breathtaking.)
His eyes darkened before closing.

As did mine but I could still see him behind my eyelids.

I let out a sigh as his hand dipped under my shirt. I trailed kisses to from the corner of his mouth, to his jawline, to the vein in his neck leading to his collar bone.

Trying something new, I lightly sucked on his skin and he let out a small gasp.

It was the softest noise but it rang through my ears. I pulled away softly as he desperately tried to pull me in for another kiss.

I swallowed, resisting the urge to give him what he wanted. "Inside, Snow."

"Merlin, Morgana and, Baz." He said, breathlessly.

I smirked and helped him up.

He pulled me through the door so fast I laughed. He pushed me onto the couch and slammed the door.


That was it! Tell me what you thought of it. I'm actually proud of this chappie. I always thought they'd get a cottage near the woods, like Lucy and Davy, so Baz had easy access to blood and Simon could write his fantasy novels near the window, sipping coffee. Okay, sorry, now I'm just rambling.

I liked that Baz took control this time usually it's Simon but Baz could heart achingly be seductive when he wanted to be.

That's all for today! See y'all laterz, loves.

SnowBaz One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now