The Phone Call

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I lay awake in bed, staring at the ceiling of my dorm room.

I could hear the slowed breathing of my room mate in the next bed. It wasn't the same. About a year ago, I felt comfort in hearing Snow's breathing slow down as he fell asleep. I could find a feeling of temporary ease when I looked him and created constellations with the moles on his cheek and neck.

Now all I was looking at was a dull, white ceiling. And I could feel my heart slowly start to ache as I closes my eyes and pictures him.

As much as I tried to take his advice about not thinking about it–him, I couldn't help but miss him.

I turned over and attempted to sleep when I heard my phone's muffled ringtone under my pillow.

I couldn't sleep.

I had a test tomorrow, and I had to sleep, but it's been barely 6 hours since Baz left but I was already missing him.

After attempting to drown myself in reading (News Flash: it didn't work),I came to the conclusion that Baz might just be awake.
I dug my phone out from under my pillow and clicked on my most called number.

"Snow." Said a soft, but wide awake voice.

"Baz," I said, feeling myself smile, "I couldn't sleep."

"I can imagine."

"I don't know how I managed every day. I don't know how I can get into bed knowing you're not next to me."

I hear him sit up.

"Simon, I don't think I can do this any longer."

I was about to say something, but nothing came out.

As soon as I started to think, a million questions zipped through my brain.

"Simon, I'm coming over." He whispered and cut the phone.

I stared at the screen of my phone for a couple seconds before I slipped out of bed and pulled on a sweater.

I grabbed my notes and made my way to the terrace.

Around 3:00 am I heard the door open and I turned around. 

I jumped off the ladder and engulfed Baz in a hug. I felt him sigh and pull me closer.

He let go and pushed back to look at me. Then, without warning, he crashed his lips onto mine.

It seemed nearly hours later, we came up for air. Then Baz grabbed my hand and led me downstairs.

A million emotions were running through my mind. And I had no idea what I was doing. Yet, I was extremely sure of this decision.

I opened up Simon's laptop and settled into the sofa. I could sense the perplexity on his face.
I closed my eyes tightly, before I turned to him.
"Si. I've done a bit research. I've come up with a less than fool proof plan, nonetheless it's still a plan. I know I'd love it. I'm only guessing you will too."
I could only hear our breathing.
"Right, right, right. I want to hear it."

Here goes.

"Will you move in with me?"


Simon gently moved the laptop out of my hands and place it on the sofa. Next thing I know, I can feel his soft lips on mine in a soft but demanding kiss.

But I still wasn't sure. I needed to hear it.

"Simon." I whispered.

He pulled away and smiled.

"To London we go?"

I let out a breathy laugh in relief.

"To London we go."

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