Jealous (part two)

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We reached fairly early. "Good call on leaving fifteen minutes before the actual time."

He smirked in response looking around. A girl, clad in makeup, came up to him "Baz! Hey! Didn't think you were coming?"

He chuckled and said "I changed my mind Liz."
Liz took a sip of her drink and laughed. "You were so excited to get home-"
A crimson faced Baz cleared his throat and clutched my hand in his. "Liz I'd like you to meet Simon, my boyfriend."
Liz leaned closer to us, raising an eyebrow. "The Mage's heir?"
I was uncomfortable now. I looked around, avoiding looking at Liz.
"Liz." I heard my boyfriend say in a very dangerous tone. (I don't think I've heard him talk like that. It's scary but dear mother of god it's hot.)
She took a step back, a tight smile plastered on her face. "Alright then." She breathed. She turned on her heals and walked to the dance floor. "That was weird." I told Baz. It came out sounding more quiet than actually weirded out.
Baz turned to me with an apologetic smile. "Her family was very well acquainted with mine. I'm sorry love."
I nodded in understanding. I didn't care all that much. It just hurts for a second now. No longer.

I could tell Baz was popular. People were constantly coming up to us to talk or ask if we needed another drink. I didn't mind, not really. Until.

I heard Simon gasp and I followed his gaze to the one and only...Daniel Wellbelove.
I heard a faint murmuring coming from Simon. I lowered myself to his height. "What was that Love?"
He cleared his throat and said "He looks exactly like her."
I fight the urge to growl. Agatha and her whole tripping family ruined seven years of my life. And I'm not allowing them to mess it up further. I told Simon to wait there. "I need a drink." I said. It was true. I walked to the bar standing next to Jen. The first Normal I befriended (No you can't count Simon he was still magic when we were together). We'd become quite close over the past few months. "Why didn't you tell me he was here?" I asked.
She frowned in confusion. "Who's here?"
I jerked my head towards where I'd last seen Wellbelove standing as I signalled a bartender for a shot. "Baz there's no one there." She said impatiently.
I whipped around, drink in hand, my eyes landed on a mop of curly, bronze hair. That belonged to a head that was thrown back as the person to whom that head belonged to laughed at something Daniel said. This time I really did growl. I picked up my glass and in one swift motion I downed it contents as I made my way to where Simon and Wellbelove stood. I could hear Jen trailing behind me whispering "Good god save us all" I would've have laughed if I weren't so mad right now. I was a few feet away until I paused for a moment I took on a pleasant demeanour as a walked up to them, making sure I marked Simon as my territory.
Wellbelove nodded curtly at me. "Pitch."
I smiled. "Wellbelove. I see you've met my boyfriend, Simon."
Daniel chuckled. "Pitch, Simon and I go way back." Damn those Christmases

I didn't keep in touch with any of the Wellbeloves when Agatha and I broke up. Seeing him there was a surprise. Not a good one. (Okay it was a shock. But not for the usual reasons.)
Daniel was also gay. I suppose one could understand why I was shocked. My boyfriend. Was in the same school as a Wellbelove. A gay Wellbelove.

-SKIP A COUPLE OF HOURS(because I'm a lazy human. Sue me.)-

I was only kind of tipsy. But so was everyone, in my defence.
Baz had done this before. The whole 'Uni Party Scene'. Me on the other hand...After joining University I was invited but I never went. As I took another sip of...whatever I was drinking, I looked around. Everyone was laughing, dancing and having fun. 'Maybe I should attend more parties' I thought. I was tired. Baz and I danced till my legs couldn't take it anymore. I had to sit. (That was one thing I was good at. Dancing. Baz was...okay.) (I mean the non-waltz)
I'm pretty sure we danced with Daniel and a couple other boys in the middle too. Daniel was taller than Baz. Not that it mattered.
I put my drink down and started looking for Baz. It was time to get home. I was starting to wonder if any of us were in a state to drive. The most sober one I guess.
I stuttered to a stop when I spotted Baz.
He had twisted his hair up into a knot. (A man bun?) and he was standing awfully close to Daniel.
Daniel towered over him. Playfully tugging at Baz's hair as he took his phone out and typed something in.

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