Vive la snowbaz

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This was the most fun I've had. Roaming Paris is surreal. Walking, hand in hand with Baz through the City of Love...could it be more perfect?
"If I had to go to that meeting in Brighton, would you still have come without me?" He asked.
"Hmph," I snort. "Baz, I would've but promise I would think of you every step of the way."
He rolled his eyes, smiling. He let go of my hand to straighten my scarf (This boy I swear) and I caught his hand before it dropped back to his side.
His eyes softened and he kissed my knuckles. "Tea and Scones?"
"Oh my god, yes!" I exclaimed as he chuckled.

I could've heard the rumbling of his stomach from a mile away.
We walked towards this tiny coffee shop under the flat we'd rented for the week.
That place was full of pretty boys (I'm in love not blind) and the moment we entered, once again Snow clutched my hand as if marking me as off limits. I decided to take another step. I slid my arm around his waist. He only glanced at me before turning back to the tiles floor but I could see his neck slowly turning red.
This waiter walked towards us and laid two menu cards in front of us, only pausing to wink at me before leaving. I smiled politely and turned back to Snow...
After a while,
"Okay. What is it? You're staring."
He sighed dramatically. "Baz. I saw you smile at the waiter."
My jaw dropped. "I was being polite!"
He pouted slightly.
"Snow?" I said, not letting the smirk escape onto my face, "Are you jealous?"
He rolled his eyes as another waiter set down the plates. "Enjoy you meal." She said before leaving.
"You didn't smile at her!"
"That's coz you made up for the two of us when you smiled like the fucking Cheshire Cat!"
"At the food!"
I almost laughed. He started to stuff his face with scones and speak at the same time. "I mean I know there's a lot of cute guys here but I like guys too but I don't smile at every random guy!"

"Snow, you're rambling now."

He narrowed his eyes at me and focused on eating.

-skip time-

He wasn't even holding my hand now. We walked to our hotel when tiny rain drops started to land on my face.
"Oh Crowley."
"What?" He turned to me.
"We don't have an umbrella."
He rolled his eyes and slipped out his wallet.
He ducked into a shop and five minutes later he came out holding an umbrella that looked big enough for the two of us.
He literally just out smarted me. (God, 'we don't have an umbrella'? That's pathetic)

He handed it to me and I opened it up and held it over the two of us.

Soon enough it was pouring and I was pretty much drowning in the silence.

I stopped him and turned to face him. "Look, we're in the City of Love and it's pouring and we're sharing an umbrella. That's got to be pretty romantic. Except you're not talking to me. So please, Simon, lets make the most of it."

He smiled at me. "You called me Simon."
Rolling my eyes(smiling slightly even if I don't admit it), I said, "And you must be hearing things."

Yeeaahh so that's the last one by me for the next two weeks. Love y'all.

SnowBaz One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now