Chapter 1 (Edited)

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I ran forward, following the tracks of those before me. My whole body was tense while I ran, knowing that I was going to have to fight them. "Sector Shoulder, what is your position?" I asked into the device, keeping my eyes trained on the running forms in front of me.

"We are around the bend," a static voice answered. "We are coming close to a pack border, so you probably want to get a move on. We're close enough to catch any that tries to escape."

I smirked and flicked my wrist, five throwing stars appearing from my glove. "You don't need to tell me twice," I said, flinging them at the Rogues. There were a couple of yelps of pain, and two of the seven Rogues fell.

I ran faster, pushing myself to my limit while I pulled two double edged swords out from underneath my cloak. I held them, slightly, close to my side, making sure that I wouldn't stab myself with the wolfsbane blade.

'Are you ready for this?' my Fox Spirit, Sinopa, asked. I could sense her flicking her tail back and forth, probably anticipating the battle that was about to happen.

'Would you let her focus,' my Wolf Spirit, Majesty, scowled.

'Both of you shush,' I growled at them. 'It is crowded in here, so we don't need a fight!'

'Sorry,' Sinopa and Majesty mumbled, causing me to roll my eyes, annoyed at both of my Spirits.

I breathed through my nose before slicing through the rest of the five. I could feel someone on the pack border, but I didn't care. The Rogue Wolves attacked me, but I had them under control, letting my anger out on them.

"He will get you," one breathed out, "and when he does you will die."

I scoffed and sliced his head. "Of course he will," I muttered, growling. I blocked back the memories that wanted to surface, not wanting to deal with them.

There was growling behind me, and I knew that the Pack members were close. Two members of the pack rushed out and grabbed hold of me, even though I wasn't even on pack lands.

Knowing that I wouldn't be able to hurt them, I let myself get caught. I spotted couple of my members, about to come out of the bushes while I was starting to get pulled towards the borderline. "Abort mission!" I yelled, not caring that I still had the earpiece in my ear. "Abort!"

I wrenched myself from their grasp and took out the earpiece and threw it on the ground. A small smirk appeared on my face when someone grabbed hold of me and stick a needle in the back of my neck.

I let myself get knocked out with whatever I had been given, knowing that I would be able to escape when I was actually conscious. Nothing could hold me if I didn't want it to.


'Hello? Is there anyone there?' I heard someone ask in my mind. 'Majesty? Foxy?'

I groaned, my head starting to pound from whatever they drugged me with started to fade away. I scrunched my face together, trying to get away from the pain as well as focus on what my Fox was saying. 'Ya, what is it?'

There was a sigh of relief as well as her healing me. 'Thank the Spirits!' she said. 'I thought you were dead.'

'You would be dead as well,' I said, bluntly, causing her to roll her eyes. 'What happened, anyways?'

'We were ambushed from behind,' Sinopa said, rolling her eyes, again. 'And drugged with some sort of powerful drug.'

'No wonder I feel like crap,' I grumbled. 'Contact the group and tell them that I am all right. Tell them that I will be there in about six hours. I need to find my stuff.' I opened my eyes to see that I was in a dim lit room that smelt like grime and piss.

I noticed silver cuffs on my wrists and rolled my eyes, glad that I had my gloves still on. I rolled my eyes, knowing that I would be able to break them because I was stronger than a pair of flimsy handcuffs. However, I wanted to see why they had me locked up in the first place when I hadn't even crossed their borders.

'And I want to kill them,' another voice growled in my mind. 'Whatever they did hurt worst than...'

'Hey! Look who joins the party,' Sinopa said, interrupting Majesty. I could hear the smirk in her voice when she growled. 'Ben says to call them when you are ready to be picked up. He told you to remember to bring the name of this pack so Adela can do research. Also, you might want to close your eyes and settle your heartbeat. Some people are coming.'

I grunted my response and did as she told me to do. Not a minute too soon, the door opened with a loud bang before I was back handed across the face. I bit back a growl of power from both my Fox and Wolf, and I knew that this person would be on my hit list.

"Dude, she is a female. You don't back hand her to wake her up," a male said.

"Shut up, Colton," the male growled out. He kicked me, and it took all of my willpower not to break out of these handcuffs and kill him. "Wake up, fucking Rogue."

A small growl of power escaped my tight lips, and I could feel the second male take a step back. I opened my eyes to see two men in front of me, and by the way they smelt and how power hung around them, I could tell that they were the Beta and Gamma of this pack.

"Holy shit," the one that stepped back said. "Troy, you should probably let Lorcian know that she has power. My Wolf instantly bowed to her."

The guy, Colton, stood about six five with golden, tannish skin. He had gray eyes that were mixed with blue in them. He had blonde hair that was enough for females to grab, and by his scent, I could tell that he was a lady's man. He had plush lips that were pulled back into a smirk, and I knew that he was checking me out.

"Shut up, Colton," the male, Troy, growled.

Unlike Colton, Troy had really dark brown hair that could be described as black. He had two dark brown eyes that had this anger and hatred shown in them that I was surprised that he hadn't killed me yet. There was a sense of hate coming off of him, and I was sure that something had happened to this pack to make him act like the way that he does. He stood at 6'6 and was fairly more muscular than Colton. However, not as muscular as my guys.

While Colton's features were much more softer, Troy's features was harsher, and I was sure that someone could get a papercut on his jaw.

"Well?" he asked, annoyed, probably with my lack of response. "Who the hell are you?"

I blinked and looked between them. "They call me Foxy," I said, my tone leveled. I smirked when I saw Colton's eyes widen in surprise and smell the small bit of fear and lust coming off of him. "Yes, that Foxy."

"Who?" Troy asked. He glared at Colton before glaring at me.

"Foxy as in Foxy Storm," Colton replied. "But if that is true, then where were you when we needed help?" There wasn't any accusation in his voice, but it sounded genuinely curious.

I stiffened and shifted on my feet. I knew what he was talking about, and I couldn't help but feel sorry about not being able to help. "When?" my voice was void of emotion just as it was like on my face, but I couldn't help but feel that bit amount of guilt as I thought of the innocent lives that were killed.

"Fifth of November two years ago."

Troy snorted. "This isn't her. She was probab-"

"I was in Greece," I interrupted him. "I was hunting down the leader that sent the Rogues six hours ago."

"Where were your "followers"?" Troy spat. "They could've helped."

"I will not answer that question with that attitude," I said. "Slap me all you want. It won't change my mind." I eyed Troy's raised hand.

"Go wait for Lorcian, Beta," Colton said. "I will try to find information about her." He placed his hand on his Beta's shoulder, causing him to drop his raised hand.

"Keep your link open," Troy replied, shooting me a last glare before walking out. "I don't trust Rogue Scum," he threw over his shoulder.

Oh, I wanted to punch him so badly so that his mouth becomes his butthole. That'll teach him not to disrespect me.  

They Call Me Foxy (Book 1 of 'They Call Me' Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now