Chapter 15 (Edited)

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Three weeks. Three fucking long and agonizing weeks that I had to wait for word if my cousin was alive or not. Nobody told me what was going on, and I was getting more and more pissed. However, I knew that Anastasia hated letting others see her weak, and I hoped that both Blue and Karen were making sure that she wasn't as weak as she felt.

I had been getting into multiple fights with my father's guards because my level of dealing with stupidity was lower than usual. It didn't help that my father had made me promise that I wouldn't attack the pack members or Richard, much to my dismay.

The good thing was, Ethan and Sam were set on "guard" duty, so I was able to beat their asses if I got really pissed and couldn't go for a run like I wanted to.

"I swear, you three seem to know each other's moves before the next one does it," Ari said when Ethan tried to slam me against the wall, but I ended knocking him off of his feet.

I moved off of Ethan and ducked under Sam, causing him to go over my head. "When you are training with someone for ages, then you get to know what they are planning to do," I said, catching Ethan's foot. I flung him at Sam before backing up again. I kept my hands close to my face and breathed in and out, trying to cool my overheated body.

Sweat dotted my forehead and made my red hair look darker than it was. Dark spots started to form on the edge of my sports bra and short shorts because we had been going at this for about four hours.

"Aren't you three even tired?" Colt asked from where he was eating chicken. "I mean, it has almost been four hours since you three had started."

Ethan groaned from where he and Sam were still tangled up. His whole body was moving as he was panting harder than I was. "Seriously?" he asked. "And, I thought we were on vacation."

"There is no vacation for protecting the King," I replied. I signaled that we were done and walked over to one of the water bottles and started to drink from it. "And, you two wanted to go up against me to see if either the Associans or Kingsmen had the harder training."

"Correction," Ethan said, finally free from Sam. He walked over to me and patted my shoulder before taking another of the water bottle before chugging it down. "The King ordered us to fight you if you need to have a cool off situation."

I smirked but didn't say a word as I grabbed the other bottle and handed it off to Sam.

"Are you three friends?" Ari asked, cocking her head. She cleared her throat when I turned my gaze on her. A blush took over her face as she ducked her head. "I mean, you three seem that you have grown up with each other."

"We have," I replied. "And, I would call us more like siblings than anything else."

"Does that mean you had never had sex with either of them?" Colt asked. He snapped his finger and shook his head, teasingly. "Darn, I thought I would be able to find out how good you are in bed."

"I hope you don't, I would like it if my Commander didn't have sex with anyone just yet," my father said, coming into the training room followed by Ethan and Lorcian. He looked at me, and I could see the relief in his eyes. "Would it be alright if I stole you for a moment?" he asked.

I nodded my head. "Yes, Your Majesty," I said. "Would it be alright if I took a quick shower before I go and talk to you?"

The King shook his head, and I could see a bit of impatience in his eyes. "I would like it if I could talk to you now, please," he said. "It is of something important."

A chill went down my spine as I thought that something had happened to my cousin. I, quickly, grabbed my tank top and sweats before putting them on just as fast. I nodded my head and followed him to his room followed by Ethan and Sam.

Fear and hope made it's way through my body, and I couldn't help but wonder if she was alive. And, if she was alive, did that mean that I had to kill her? Or was she well?


My father sat down in one of the seats in his room and sighed. A small sob broke from mouth, causing me to feel uncomfortable. He placed his face in his hands, because I knew that he did not want me to see him crying.

I looked at Ethan and Sam to see that they were feeling the same way as me. It took a lot for my father to cry and to have him cry made me think that something bad had happened to Anastasia. "Dad?" I asked, hesitantly walking over to him. I knelt before my father and looked at him. "What happened?"

"Three days," he whispered, his voice cracking. He moved his hands from his face, and I could see the relief shining in his eyes. He was tired, and I could tell that he had not been getting a lot of sleep. "You can go see her in three days."

I leaned on my haunches, my throat closing up. My heart pounded in my chest, and I couldn't help but feel dread. "What do you mean?" I asked, my voice wavering. "Is she alive?"

Dad nodded his head. "Yes," he confirmed. "Blue called me while I was meeting with Lorcian discussing... some things. He told me that she was alive but resting. She will be transported back to the Witfall Pack today."

"Is that a good idea?" Ethan asked, voicing my concerns. "I mean, I know how much Alpha Carter hates Anastasia, and that might hurt her."

"Anastasia is a strong female, and I know that even without being with her mate, she is hurting. However, she cares about his daughter, and that might be one of the reasons as to why she is staying," he replied. "I don't like it as much as the next person, but we all know that we can't change her mind."

"Why did she say three days?" I asked.

Dad shrugged. "I guess she wants to try and heal some more," he replied. "I, unfortunately, will not be able to see her until later. She is thinking that whomever is going to try to attack is watching out for both you and her. That is why she has been hit."

I pursed my lips and nodded my head. "I will get my team on it," I said. "And, in three days, I will go see her."

My father kissed my hands and smiled. "She knew that you would say that," he whispered. "Just be careful? I do not know what I will do if I lost you, too." His voice cracked.

I took a deep breath and nodded my head. "Promise," I whispered. I do not know what I would do if I lost you or Anastasia, I thought, making sure that my block was up so he wouldn't hear my thoughts. I just hope that I never would have to figure it out.  

They Call Me Foxy (Book 1 of 'They Call Me' Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now