Chapter 23 (Edited)

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I took a deep breath and nodded my head. "Lay down," I commanded. "Head pointing north."

Ari looked around, hesitating. "Um..." she said, and I could tell that she had no idea which way was north.

I let out an annoyed sigh and rubbed the bridge of my nose. I knew that I shouldn't be surprised that she didn't know which way was north, but that didn't stop me from being annoyed. "That way," I said, pointing towards the packhouse. "That is north."

Ari glanced at my cousin, causing her to nod her head. She was hesitant, but she did what I had said to do. Ari took a deep breath and closed her eyes, and I could tell that she was putting her trust in me.

I took off my cloak and placed it underneath her head before taking off my gloves. My mark started to glow as I called my powers to my hands and Sinopa towards the front. "Open your eyes," I commanded my voice a mixture between me and my Fox.

Ari opened her eyes and looked deep into my eyes. Her eyes switched to those of her Wolf's as she waited for whatever I had to do. Her whole body relaxed as I started to mutter the language that my forefathers had spoken before me.

My hand turned into the claw of my Fox, and I placed it on her heart. Gold tendrils appeared from my hands and towards her heart. I ignored the warning growl coming from Anastasia, knowing full well that it was because either Troy or Colt came towards me.

Ari groaned when the spell was finished and blinked. She placed her hand on her chest, over her heart, and looked up at me in shock. "It's..."

I nodded my head, my Fox pulling back and leaving me feeling exhausted. "It is," I confirmed. I looked over to see Troy watching me with Ethan and Sam holding him back. "I wouldn't have done it if I knew it was going to work," I said. "I wouldn't hurt someone that I cared about... intentionally." I glanced at my cousin to see her watching Colt like a hawk.

"The clawing motion..?" Troy asked as both Ethan and Sam let him go. "Why did you do that?"

"To make sure that it worked," Ans replied. She relaxed her stance and gestured towards me. "Help her to her room. I'll make sure that Ari is situated." She gave me a look, causing me to shut my mouth.

Troy shook his head. "I would like to get her situated," he said. "I am sure that you were talking to Ethan and Sam about Fo- Princess Jo."

"You can call me Foxy," I said, hiding back the wince when he called me princess. "And, please, do not call me princess. I know that it is my birthright but..." I shrugged. It had been a while since I was called by my title, and it made me feel weird like I shouldn't be called princess.

"I wanted you two to tell Lorcian what had happened and make sure to tell him to let Jo be for a couple of hours as she gets her strength back. If he needs to talk to someone, then send him to me. I'll probably be in the tent making sure that we have everything situated for the arrival of all the Associans as well as other members of the Sector." She held up her hand, knowing what I was going to say. "Don't, Jo Anne," she warned. "You need rest."

"More Sector members are coming?" I asked, causing her to nod her head. I huffed and nodded my head. "Ok," I said before looking at my two comrades. "Take me to my room."

Both Ethan and Sam nodded their heads before moving towards me. Ethan picked me up gently while Sam went up front. Sam was going to lead the way while Ethan carried me. This way nothing bad would happen to me if someone did try to attack.

I just hoped that Ans would be alright by herself and that she could protect my sister-in-law with no worry at all. So, I prayed to the Moon Goddess to keep her safe.


I stood on the porch and watched as the helicopters landed on the training fields. My hands were behind my back and my face was a mask, but I was trying hard to keep a scowl off of my face. I had no idea where my cousin had went, but when I tried to find her, I wasn't able to.

Blue was about to go look for her, and he completely ignored my request to come as well. He was worried, but I could tell that he wouldn't let me know. He didn't need me to worry about him either which was rather stupid.

"What did you do to my sister yesterday?" my mate asked when he got to my side. "And, why didn't you tell me?"

"I healed her heart," I replied, my voice void of emotion. I watched as some of the helicopters took off while more landed, letting more members of my group out. "And, I thought you wouldn't let me do it."

Lorcian stayed silent for a bit, contemplating what I had said. "I guess I had lost your trust, huh," he stated. He sighed and moved a hand through his hair, grimacing. "Look... I want to apologize for what I had said and done while I underneath the spell... I know that I should have tried harder to beat it, but..." He shook his head and cleared his throat. "Some of what I had said was true, and if you want to reject me..." He sighed. "I understand."

"Foxes only have one chance mates," I said. "Half-breed of Foxes do as well. If we are rejected or if our mates are rejected, then we die."

"That sucks," Lorican said, causing me to nod my head. "Why?"

I shrugged my shoulder. I was a little surprised to see vans pulling up across the drive because I had set up for helicopters to get the members of the group and told them to use those. "I don't know," I said, going over to meet the vans. "But, it is the way that the Goddess had made us."

They Call Me Foxy (Book 1 of 'They Call Me' Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now