Chapter 25 (Edited)

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I stood in front of the pack as we waited for them to come. I flicked my double edged swords as I waited for them to come, feeling their feet pounding against the Earth.

"Archers ready?" I asked, causing them to murmur that they were. "Remember, seventeen of them are actually on our side. They have markings on their bodies that will mark them as part of my team."

'Yes, Commander' filled the area around us. They didn't know how the markings would appear, except for Anastasia, but they knew that they would be there.

A whistle sounded through the tense air, indicating that they were approaching from that way.

Another whistle sounded through the trees, indicating that they were coming from that way. More whistles sounded, and I could feel the anxiety of the pack because they had us surrounded.

I took a deep breath and let it out, relaxing my body. I knew that that was going to happen, and I was grateful for all the information that Anastasia had given us. Out of all of us, I knew that she was the one that had the most experience with them because she had been with them. She had been one of them when they slaughtered whole packs.

As soon as I saw the first group of Wolves ran out, I threw my swords into the ground and shifted into my wolf form. I howled, letting power fill my voice and causing the Wolves that had markings on them appear.

'Now!" I exclaimed, shifting back to my human form. I grabbed my swords and started to run forward as a wave of arrows flew by us and lodging into those of our enemies.

I sliced through the Wolves as if they were merely butter. My eyes were in between the three of us as we fought these Rogues.

Howls and growls filled the air as we fought, each one of us fighting for a different reason but one in the same. Cries of the dying and wounded mixed in with the sounds of battle, causing my heart to tighten with guilt.

I had no way to save them, no matter how hard I tried. They had chosen their path, and I had chosen mine.

Anastasia landed next to me, her whole body tense and her face mask. She sliced through the Wolves as more came towards us. Her eyes were guarded, but I knew that she knew some of these Wolves by name, and the guilt was hurting her just as much as it was hurting me.

During the rest of the battle, I had lost sight of her and did not see the Monster that I wanted to see and kill. I wasn't surprised that I had lost her with all the Rogues that had attacked, but I was a little surprised that He didn't show up to claim what was His.

A scream sounded through the air, causing both grounds to stop fighting and look in that direction. Fear and pain filled the scream, and I knew that it was Anastasia.

Deep fear rooted its way into my heart as I raced towards her, praying to the Goddess that I wasn't too late. She needed my help, and I prayed that I hadn't failed.


He stood over my cousin, his back facing me. His whole body shook with maniacal laughter as he started to make my cousin bad again.

I pulled out my gun and aimed it at the man. I couldn't freeze. I wouldn't freeze. I had to save my cousin like she had saved me all those years ago.

The man, named Peter, turned to look at me with a crazed look in his eyes. He kept his claws in Anastasia's back, his claws digging into the thorns. "Hello, Princess Jo Anne," he said, doing a mocking bow. "It is so nice of you to join us."

"Let her go," I all but growled, pointing the gun at him. I ignored the fear that the little girl in me still possessed, keeping up the facade of a Warrior with no fear.

Peter tapped his chin and gave me a "thoughtful" look. "Hmmmm," he said. "I say no." He dug his claws farther into her back, causing her to scream out in agony.

"Let her go," Carter roared in anger when he came over to us. He was bloody from the war, but I could tell that it was from his victims. He tried to run towards Peter, causing me to use my powers over the Earth and keep him in place.

"Ah" Peter exclaimed in mock surprise. "So you do have powers." He pouted. "Why have you never shown me?"

"Because I do not use them for evil," I growled out. "Now, unhand my cousin."

Peter took his sweet time and sneered. He knew that the spell was complete and Anastasia was underneath his control when he pulled his hand from her back. He helped her stand, her movements robotic and not her own. "Ok," he said, turning Anastasia towards us, showing us her red eyes that were flecked with gold. "Kill them."

They Call Me Foxy (Book 1 of 'They Call Me' Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now