Chapter 16 (Edited)

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A/N: Here is the link for 'My Dead Sister's Mate' to those that want it. Link:


I ran into the room that held my cousin, panic taking hold of my throat. I had no idea what to expect, but I wasn't expecting to see a child lying next to her with the child's head in her lap. My mouth went dry when I took in her tired and battered body, and I couldn't help but feel guilty that that she was like this because of me.

Ana smiled tiredly and blinked back with what looked like tears, something that I had never noticed. She held out her hand to me, and I knew that she was wanting me to come to her.

I cleared my throat and shifted on my feet, nervously. I looked at the young child to see that it was a female with the same green eyes as my father's and mine. I did not want to go over there, not knowing whose daughter that was and not trusting the young female.

"Alexia's daughter," she said, staring down at the girl in her lap. She moved a hand through the female's hair, something that she had done to me when I was crying or on the verge of tears. "Come on, you can come over." She looked back at me, probably feeling the urgency I had.

I cleared my throat and walked over to her, acting as if I didn't care as to what had happened and that I wasn't on a verge of a breakdown. My heart pounded in my chest as I kept an eye on the young female, not knowing what type of information that she knew about me.

"Jo Anne," she scowled, knowing what I was thinking of. "She is family. You do not have to be acting strong in front of her."

I scowled at the use of my real name but didn't comment. Even though I was to be the next queen, my Wolf and Fox did bow down to her. I had no idea if it was because she was supposed to be the next Queen or if it was because she was like another mother to me.

Ana smirked tiredly, probably knowing what I was thinking. "Come, come," she said, gesturing to me. "I know that you are wanting to come over to me but won't because of a small child."

I pursed my lips, knowing that it was better for me to go over there than to stay and argue. I walked to her side and grunted when she pulled me down into a hug. I clutched her tightly and took a deep shuddering breath, not wanting to cry in front of the little girl. "I thought I lost you," I whispered, my voice cracking.

She chuckled and kissed my forehead, running a hand through my hair. The sound of her heartbeat relaxed me because I knew that she was alive and well for the most part. "Come now," she said, slightly teasingly, "you can't get rid of me that easily."

I sighed and closed my eyes, letting my walls break for a small moment before forcing them back in place. I pulled out of my cousin's hug, even though I was yearning to just be held in her arms for longer. "When did Karen say that you could get out of bed?" I asked. I moved to the front of the bed where her records were held and started to look at them, making sure that everything was fine.

"I am on bedrest for a week," she replied. "But, we both know that if I am able to, then I will not do it." She threw something at me and cursed when I caught it. "Stop going over her work. Both she and the service members had done everything that was planned."

"Any casualties?" I asked, closing the binder and looked at my cousin. "What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow when I caught her scowling at me.

"Would you act like a human for once?" she scowled as if I was still a child. She narrowed her eyes when all I did was turn away to look at her. "You aren't the only that was scared of losing me."

"I was not scared of losing you," I replied. I clutched my hands into fists and made sure not to look at her. I was lying. I was and will always be scared of losing her. She was family, and my family was smaller than I would like.

"Then why are you here?" she asked, and I knew that she was raising an eyebrow. "I know you, Jo Anne."

"Do you?" I asked, turning to look at her. I glared at her, not caring that I was scaring the young female beside her. "Do you know me? Or do you know what you see?" I ran a hand through my hair, the stress of this whole thing coming to me in waves.

Ana studied me, and her eyes softening. "Go back," she said. "Your father needs you there." She held up a hand, stopping me from talking. "I will be fine. I've survived worse, and you know it, Jo Anne Marine," she added. "Promise me to get some rest before you do anything stupid."

I scowled and narrowed my eyes at her. "And, why should I listen to you?"

She raised her eyebrow. "Maybe because I am like a second mother to you," she replied, bluntly. "Or, I could get Blue to come in and scare you off." She smirked and looked down. "Or I could tell someone that someone is here when they aren't supposed to be and have you locked up."

I growled and narrowed my eyes at her. "You wouldn't," I said, darkly causing the young girl to snicker. I shot her a look and was kind of surprised when she didn't cower away but cocked her head and stared at me with the curiosity of a child could possess.

"You know I would, Jo," Ana replied. "And, this is Avery." She gestured to the child. "She is like Alexia."

I studied the girl with a new found curiosity. If what Ana said was true, then I knew that she had to be protected more than anything. If he got a hand on her, then that could lead to the end of the world as we know it. "I'll make sure that I can get-"

"Don't. I have all ready made arrangements with your father," she said, interrupting me. "Now go."

"Don't die," I growled before leaving. Please, I begged silently. Don't die.  

They Call Me Foxy (Book 1 of 'They Call Me' Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now