Chapter 26 (Edited)

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Fear. That was what I felt as Anastasia stalked towards me. I had no idea if my plan would work and prayed that it would.

I couldn't bear losing my cousin to him again, but it looked like it was happening. I took a deep a breath and stood my ground, watching as my cousin stalked towards me.

I lifted my hand up and called the earth to make a dome over the three of us. I did not want her to hurt anyone nor did I want him to kill someone or use them as leverage.

Peter looked around at the dome I had made, his face having this bored expression on it. "Impressive," he said, nodding his head. He smirked and played with his sleeves, rolling them up to show blackened veins. "Not good enough, however. I can break it."

"I would like to see you try," I said as Anastasia shifted into her Wolf form. I took a deep breath and waited, knowing that I only had one shot to either kill her or Peter.

Goddess, please let this work, I prayed as I pulled out my gun. I could feel this power coursing through my body, power that I never knew I had.

It was... exhilarating. I felt as if I was on the top of the world with nothing in my way to achieve what I wanted. I looked at my hand to see that I was surrounded by this golden light, and I couldn't help but wonder why I was feeling this way.

Peter's eyes widen in shock, and the first time, I could smell the fear coming off of him in waves. "No, no, no," he said. "I thought you said that it would be your next child, not her."

I kept an eye on Anastasia and looked to the side to see a woman with fiery red hair standing there in a shroud of golden light. The golden light was coming off of her hands and connected itself to me with others like her.

She had startling green eyes, and I could see the resemblance between her and me. She shrugged her shoulder and gave him an indifferent look. "I lied," she said, her voice silky smooth. "What? Did you not know that foxes could lie?"

"B-b-but," he stuttered. "I-I did a truth spell on you."

"Which would have worked if it didn't have to deal with my niece's and my daughter's fate," she replied. She looked at me and smiled, the wrinkles of old age growing with the smile.

"M-M-Mom?" I asked, stuttering. I lowered the weapon and turned towards her.

I didn't care about Anastasia or anything else but her. I hadn't seen her in thirteen years, and now I understood why my dad hated me having red hair. I looked just like her but with sharper features and many more battle wounds.

Her smile deepened, and she nodded her head. She kept an eye on the two of them, knowing full well that I wanted to see her. "Hello, Jo Anne," she said, her voice the same that I had remembered it. She looked at her niece and at the man that had been a monster to the both of us and scowled. "Be a dear," she said, her voice calm and collected, "and shoot already." Her lips flickered up into a smirk. "We don't want them to get away again, now don't we?"

I turned around to see Anastasia about to pounce either at me or away from me. I took a deep breath and shot the bullet, causing my cousin to jump out of the way.

Peter looked down at the gaping hole in his chest in amazement. He touched the bullet wound as dark blood seeped through his fingers and onto the ground. He looked up and narrowed his eyes at me, blood dripping from his mouth.

"Y-" he was about to say before he collapsed to the ground dead.

I lowered the weapon and dodged the attack my cousin made at me, dropping. Her eyes were still two different colors, but the red was becoming more prominent.

I might have won one battle, but I still had another one to win. I just hoped that I wasn't too late.

This was the battle that would tell me if my cousin was still in there or not. I prayed that she was and that I would end up on top for both mine and Anastasia's sake.

They Call Me Foxy (Book 1 of 'They Call Me' Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now