Chapter 22 (Edited)

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"You look disturbed, Your Highness," someone said, stopping me from leaving the house. Worry and fear filled their voice, and I could tell that they were scared that I'd hate them. "Are you ok?"

I turned around to see Ari glancing down, submitting to me. My heart broke, and I could tell that my Spirits didn't like her bowing. They liked her as family as much I did, and I couldn't help but be proud. "It's Fox or Jo to you," I replied, turning away from her. I looked outside, my hand clenching the door handle somewhat tight. I wanted throw open the door and run to the group, but I knew that I needed to see what she wanted.

"I thought after... the way that I had acted, you wouldn't want me to call you that," she said, honestly She was still hesitant, I could tell. Ari sighed and shook her head, grimacing. "It's just that... I thought you were closer to me than him."

"I am," I said. I turned to look at her, the need for the run disappearing. I would run later, because I wanted to make sure that the borders were somewhat secured. I didn't want them coming to the pack lands and possibly taking my cousin in her sleep."Troy looked it up and placed two and two together."

"How did he figure it out?" Ari asked, causing me to shrug. She looked down and licked her lips. Hope filled her eyes, but I could tell that that she was wanting it to die down. "Is it true?" she asked, causing me to raise an eyebrow. "Can you heal different things?"

I nodded, slowly. "Do you want me to try to heal that murmur?" I asked, causing her to nod her head.

"It's... annoying. I thought that by training with you it'll heal on its own but..." She shrugged and grimaced. "Or that my wolf could heal it when I shift."

I shook my head. "That's why I told you to listen to your body. It knows what it can or can't do." I rubbed my hands together, my mark showing. "I am going to need to gather some stuff and maybe some warriors. I'll meet you back here in an hour or so."

"Why?" Ari asked, cocking her head. Confusion and excitement filled her eyes, and I could tell that she was ready to have her heart fixed. "Where are we going?"

"To the creek near the clearing," I replied. "I'll need some energy." I bit back a smirk, kind of excited to share my powers with her and possibly my mate. "What better place to get energy than the forest?"


"Are you sure that this is safe?" Ari asked, hesitantly. She looked around, her whole body tense. She didn't like being out here "alone" without her brother and with a few of my trusted warriors.

"The spell or being out here?" Ethan asked. He leaned against a tree, sharpening a knife. He looked up at Ari before looking back at his knife. His whole body was on defense, and I could tell that he was ready if something happened. "I mean, it is safe to some extent for both."

"That is helpful," Troy said, sarcastically.

"I am alive, aren't I?" Ethan asked, raising an eyebrow. "I had this same spell done to me with not as much back up as she is having."

"Ya, it was just Fox and I. I was look out," Sam said. He shrugged. "It was ok, I guess. Nothing bad happened."

"That's because I wasn't there," Ans said from a tree. She hopped down and glanced around. Anxiety filled her eyes, and I could tell she didn't want to be here. Having the two of us in the same place was bad enough, and I was sure that she didn't want to be here.

"You'll be safe," I grunted out, finishing setting up the place where I needed Ari to stand. I glanced at my cousin, causing her to look away. "The both of you."

Anastasia didn't say a thing. She stayed in her spot, cutting up a branch. Her whole body was tense, and I could tell that she was paying attention to her surroundings. Her eyes had that look in them, and I could tell that she was wanting to fall asleep but not able to because of the nightmares.

I shook my head and sighed before looking at Ari. "You, ready Little Mermaid?" I asked, causing the younger female to scowl.

She took a deep, shuddering breath and nodded her head. Nervousness and hope filled her eyes, and I could tell that she was hoping that everything would work out. "Uh... ya," she said, hesitantly. She glanced at my cousin, causing her to look up and give her a soft smile.

"We'll be watching out for you," she said, soothingly, causing Ari to smile and nod her head.

"If something goes wrong, we'll make sure that both of you are safe," Ethan added. He smiled at her, causing the female to beam up at him. "Promise."

They Call Me Foxy (Book 1 of 'They Call Me' Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now