Chapter 18 (Edited)

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A/N: Guess what? I got me a new kitten. Her name is Musichetta and she is a spaz. v.v I swear to God. xD She was one of the strays that had been living in front of my house and basically was very sick. She has had seizures Labor Day weekend, but they stopped early Sunday morning because I have been giving her two medications. I took her to the vet Thursday and was able to take her off of one medication and in three weeks, we will be talking about starting to take her off the other one. If you want to see a picture of her, then go to 'Look Through My Eyes' Chapter 28 Part 2, and you get to see one.

Anyways, here is the chapter.

Peace out, Fluffy Munchkins


NOTE: The kitten is actually a male and not a female. He is almost three years old and is still a spaz as of March 8th, 2020. He has had no seizures and is off all medication.


 "Ugh, why did you make us run so much?" Colt asked as we were walking, stumbling in Colt's case, up the stairs to the back door. He scowled and ran a hand through his wet hair, and I could tell that he did not like the feeling of it at all.

"You were the one that dared us to do one of her workouts," Troy said, looking slightly better than Colt but not the other two men that had worked out with us. "We did stop a couple of times because of Ari." He glanced her over, making sure that she was still all right before looking at me.

"And it is not my fault," Ari complained. She was breathing a little hard, but her heart didn't worry as much as it had been. She glared at me, causing me to blink and stay silent. "It's Foxy's fault. She is the one that said for us to stop."

"Yes, because I don't want you pushing yourself too hard," I replied, glancing at her and ignoring the snickers of Ethan and Sam. I flicked my middle finger at them, causing them to snort. "And, I had to forcibly get you to sit down multiple times because you were not paying attention to me." I opened the door to the house and was a little surprised to see my cousin on the counter eating ice cream.

"She does that to everyone," she said, licking a spoon. She glanced at the group before eating some more of the ice cream that she probably got from the freezer. "Mmmmm, this is good."

"Who the hell are you, and why are you eating my ice cream?" Colt snarled, taking a threatening step towards her. Anger rolled off of him in waves, causing me to take a step forward. "And, how the hell did you get here?"

Ans face turned bright red, but that didn't stop her from giving me a warning look, causing me to stop moving. She turned to look at Colt, not really fazed by his behavior. "Anastasia Steele, the estranged daughter of the late King and Queen, niece of King Markus and the late Queen, member of the the service with the code number of 00095674, and friend of the Associan group. And half of what is said about me is true while there is more to my story than that." She looked at the ice cream, and I could see the debate in her eyes before she took another bite from it. "And, I will buy you more ice cream. This is really good, and I really needed it."

"Aren't you supposed to be resting?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest and glared at this brown haired female. I didn't know why she was here, and I didn't care. All I cared about was the fact that she wasn't resting when she look to have death knocking at her front door.

"And, that didn't answer my question as to how you got here. No one messaged me to let me know that an intruder came onto our land," Cody said, relaxing slightly. He glanced at Troy causing him to shake his head.

"Good," Ans replied. "I have received the nickname "Shadow", so of course you won't be able to notice me." She reached into her pocket and took out her wallet. "Here are my credentials. I know that you are going to ask for it," she added, tossing it Troy.

"Anastasia," I warned, causing her to look at me again. I scowled and folded my arms cross my chest, giving her my best death glare.

"I don't have time to rest, Fox," she replied, not fazed by it. She took another bite of her ice cream. "The days are counting down faster than before."

"So, you are the one that caused our problems?" Troy asked, but for some reason, he wasn't mad. He tossed the wallet back to Anastasia while she shrugged and placed it back in her pocket. If anything, he pitied her, and I was sure it was because of the sickly way she looked. If she didn't look that way, then I was sure they would both be out of the window behind her and fighting for dear life

Anastasia pursed her lips, and I knew that she didn't like the pity she was receiving from him. "More or less," she replied, shrugging her shoulder again. She looked down at the container of ice cream and fiddled with the spoon. "If anything, it was my parents fault. However, you can't blame the dead because the dead doesn't care."

"If you are so dangerous, then why haven't you been killed?" Ari asked, causing me to tense. She glanced at me and then looked at Anastasia, waiting for her reply. Her whole body was tense, and I was sure it was because I was giving her a look.

"A part of me is under wraps," Anastasia replied, glancing at me. She narrowed her eyes in warning, causing me to look away from Ari. "I take toxic pills to keep my Wolf at bay. If anything, she is the one that is fucked up right now. Hopefully, if we kill him, then I will be able to actually control over my Wolf."

"Though you will never be Queen," Ethan said, causing Anastasia to shrug. "Why are you here? I thought you had business?"

"My first and foremost business is to make sure that "Master" doesn't kill anyone else, even though there have been a couple more deaths." She glanced at me. "Don't blame yourself. It was members of the group that were killed. None of them were innocent, nor could they have been saved."

"But you are?" Ari asked.

Ans looked at her and shrugged, and I knew that that question was eating her up. "More or less," she replied. She finished up the ice cream and jumped off of the counter, washing the spoon and tossing the ice cream container into the trash can. Ans glanced at me and nodded to them. "Want them to come?" she asked, and I could tell that she brought someone along with her but just not onto the pack land.

I pursed my lips. I still did not know how Troy knew about me, but out of all of the members of the pack, I trusted them the most. I knew that Anastasia would be fine if they didn't come, because it didn't really affect her. I knew that I was going to have to tell them, but I didn't know how long I had until it was necessary. "How long?"

"Soon as possible. I was going to tell... like tomorrow. He will probably be here in three or so weeks. He might come tomorrow. You can never tell with him, even if you work in the group."

I pursed my lips and nodded my head. I looked at the confused looks of everyone except for Sam and Ethan. "Ok," I said, deciding that it would be best for them to know and let me practice. "Lead the way."

Anastasia nodded her head. She patted my shoulder on her way out, giving me some comfort.

I looked at the group that I trusted with my life and nodded my head. "Come on," I said. "It's time."

And with that, I followed my cousin out and prayed that they would still be by my side when they find out that they not only called me Foxy, but they called me Majesty as well.

They Call Me Foxy (Book 1 of 'They Call Me' Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now