Chapter 28 (Edited)

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I groaned as I came to, my head pounding as if someone took a hammer and started to bang it. I scrunched my eyelids closer together and tried to think past the pain.

"I see that you are awake," someone said, causing my heart to pound. She sounded tired and weak, but she was alive.

I opened my eyes and stared at the brilliant gray eyes of my cousin. My throat closed up when I saw her because I had been so close to losing her, and I had no idea what I would have done if I had lost her.

I took a deep breath and made sure to keep my feelings in check, causing her to scowl at me. I furrowed my brows, getting better at ignoring my headache. "What?" I asked. "Do they know that you are out of bed?"

"You don't have to hide your feelings from me, Jo Anne," she scolded, causing me to feel like a child. She reached around the nightstand and grabbed a bottle of... something as well as pain meds. "Here, this should help your head," she said, handing me the pain meds before taking a sip of whatever was in the bottle.

I took the pain meds and dry swallowed them, still watching as she drank from the bottle.

"I gave up my immortality," she said, catching my look. She held the bottle up. "It's to take the toxins out of my body."

I furrowed my brows, worried that she might lose control if it did come out. "Are you sure?" I asked. "What if you shift and attack someone?"

'Your mother made sure that won't happen,' Sinopa said. 'She is basically tied to you and to us.'

I furrowed my brows in confusion. I was watching my cousin's face, and it was just... blank or tired. 'Us?'

'You and Sinopa,' Anastasia replied, through a... strange bond between us. 'Sometimes Majesty if she wants to talk.'

I stared at my cousin kind of shocked. 'Why?' I asked, before focusing on my mind and aura around it. I could feel this strange beast near, but it was just there, not doing anything except mourning.

'Well?' Sinopa asked rudely, causing Anastasia to scowl. 'Are you going to say something or just have a pity party?'

'Let her be,' Anastasia scolded, causing Sinopa to cringe and Majesty to snort. She had a scowl on her face, and her eyes flashed to a brilliant gold and green. 'She is in mourning and only just realize what she had done wrong.'

'She could at least say something,' Sinopa grumbled.

'She?' I asked.

"Tora," she replied, speaking out loud. She shrugged her shoulder. "Isen wants me to stay near you for about a year or so to make sure that there are no complications and make sure that I don't kill anyone."

I nodded my head. "I want to train the new group for about two years and make sure that everything is fine," I said. "Does he want to take over?"

"He does," she confirmed. "He is worried about his mate, but I told him that she can live at base if Uncle Markus says it is fine."

"Speaking of which..." I said, noticing that the room was empty except for her. My heart ached when I noticed Lorcian wasn't in the room, and for some reason, I didn't like it.

"Lorcian is with your father and my... mate talking things over," Anastasia said. She had a conflicted look in her eyes, and I wondered what had happened. "Blue is helping Ethan and Justin out with the people that were trapped at the Base. Some of your members went with them."

I nodded. "Sam?"

"Pretending to be me and lay in bed with some machines hooked up to him," she replied. "Ari is with Avery, probably bugging the shit out of Tony and Colt. Gingie is with Richard. The rest of your group is around except for the ones that went back to their respected packs. Karen is... somewhere."

I nodded my head, slowly. I was getting tired and knew that I needed to go back to sleep. However, I wasn't going to leave my cousin still sitting in that uncomfortable chair. "Are you just going to be here?" I asked, causing her to give me 'the look'. I sighed and moved over making some room for her on the bed. "Then come on. There is no need for you to be sitting there when we are both healing."

Ana hesitated but nodded her head, placing the drink back onto the nightstand. She got into the bed and pulled me close to her, causing me to feel safe and protected.

"Why did you give up your immortality?" I asked, closing my eyes.

"To die," she replied. She offered me a small, sad smile when I opened my eyes to scowl at her. "I want to die like everyone else from old age and not live past everyone that I know and love."

"What about Avery?" I asked, knowing full well that she would live longer than most.

"She'll be protected, I am sure," she replied. She kissed my forehead and moved a hand through my hair. "Get some rest. I'll be here when you wake up."

"Promise?" I asked, hating that I sounded like a small kid. However, I was scared. I was scared that she would be long gone before I woke up. I had a feeling that the conversation between Carter and her didn't go well, and I knew that I was going to have to worry about it later.

Ana smiled and nodded her head. "Promise," she replied.

And with that, I fell asleep, praying to the Goddess that she would still be there when I woke up.

They Call Me Foxy (Book 1 of 'They Call Me' Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now