Chapter 29 (Edited)

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A loud banging sound caused both of us to wake up and Ana taking a position over me. "I don't care if they are asleep," a voice snarled, causing my cousin to growl out a warning. "I want to see my mate."

"That doesn't mean that you can get in there loudly," another male said. "Do you know how dangerous it is to wake them? Especially now that Anastasia is slowly getting off of the toxins?"

"Ya, Jo and Ana can be really mean when you wake them up, especially when they are injured."

"We are awake," I called out. I gently nudged my cousin out of the way and sat up. I glared at Carter, causing him to narrow his eyes at me. "Explain, now."

"Anastasia said that she is going with you," Carter said, folding his arms across his chest. "I do not approve." He scowled and tried to challenge me, causing me to growl in warning. He flicked his eyes away, submitting to me.

"It is not up to you," I said, coldly. "It is up to her, and if you had seen her before she was put on the toxins, then you would understand how dangerous it is for her to be around "normal" Werewolves until we made sure that she is safe."

"He is dead. There is no one that she should fear?"

"There isn't?" Anastasia asked, her voice soft. "What about the one that has been playing with my emotions and causing me to wonder if I should have just tried harder to kill myself?"

I tensed beside her, the fear of losing her still on my mind. I had no idea what I would do if she died, but I was sure that I wouldn't try to fight hard to stay alive. I grabbed her hand and squeezed, causing her to turn and look at me.

Carter's face turned hard like stone. His jaw was set, and the look on his face caused to me to growl a warning. He glanced at me with an unamused look before looking at his mate. "So, what?" he asked. "You are just going to run away?"

"I am not running away," she replied. "I thought we had this discussion before, or have you forgotten?" She glanced at my father before looking at her mate. "You should understand that there is a possibility that something bad could go wrong."

"And what? You die and leave me without a mate?"

"You didn't seem to care about my feelings when you verbally abused me, causing my not so great self-esteem to go down the drain." She scowled, causing him to flinch and look guilty. "I want two years away from you so that we can see if we actually work out or not. If not, then I will reject you and find my happiness somewhere else."

I looked at my cousin shocked. I had no idea that she would think about rejecting her mate, but I could see that her mind was set. I was worried that she would find her love down a bottle of Wolfsbane and maybe try to hurt herself again."

'Blue will make sure that I do not do that,' Anastasia said, not looking at me. "Or, would you like to reject me now since you can talk?"

Carter shifted in his spot, his face looking uncertain. He glanced at the men in the room before looking at me. He watched as I put my arm around her protectively and stared him down. His whole body caved in, and he shook his head. "No," he said, finally.

"Will the threat of rejection still be there?" she asked.

"I don't want it to be there," Carter replied, softly.

"But..?" Anastasia asked, raising an eyebrow. "I would watch what you say. It isn't these men or Jo that you should fear. It's the stupid Dryad who loves popping up when he isn't wanted."

I looked at my cousin confused. I knew that she was talking about Isen, but I had no idea where he was at. I could tell that he was close by because there had been a shift in the room as my magic clashed with his.

'He doesn't want to be seen by the others, but he is standing behind Carter and begging me to let him do something,' Anastasia said through our link.

Carter furrowed his brows in confusion. He cocked his head and looked around, probably trying to see somebody. "There is nobody here," he said. "What do you mean by Dryad?"

Anastasia shrugged her shoulder and stood. She had a small moment where it looked like that she would fall before she steadied herself before she started to walk over to a wall where there were no people around. She had a small look of anxiety on her face, and I could tell that this amount of people in the room scared her. "It doesn't matter," she replied. "Let's hope that you don't meet him because he would probably do something against what I had asked."

Carter scowled. "And is he a love toy of yours?" he asked, folding his arms across his chest. "Is that why you don't want me to see him?"

"No, because he will curse you," Lorcian said. He walked over to my side and sat down in Anastasia's spot. "How are you?" he asked.

I shrugged my shoulder. "I've been better," I replied. I gave him a glance over to see that he looked exhausted and scowled. "You need sleep."

"He will sleep once you and Anastasia have been checked out," Karen said, coming into the room. She scowled at Carter before scowling at Anastasia. "You should have stayed in your room," she said.

"You should've made it so that both my cousin and I were in the same room," she replied. "Now, can you check her over so that we both can get out of here?" She didn't say that she needed to escape the room for a bit before she had an anxiety attack.

Karen frowned and nodded her head. She was about to go over towards Anastasia causing her to shake her head. "If I do you first, then you can leave quicker," she said, gently.

"Jo first," she replied, causing Karen to sigh and nod her head.

"Of course, Princess."

They Call Me Foxy (Book 1 of 'They Call Me' Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now