Chapter 6 (Edited)

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I hung up the phone after letting it dial three times before typing in the phone number again. I leaned against the desk and sighed, waiting for one of my group members to pick up. I couldn't believe that I had found my mate at the age of twenty-one, even though I have been told that I wouldn't find nor have one.

"FOXY!" voices yelled, causing me to pull the phone from my ear and growl a warning. "Sorry," they chorused, trying to stop from snickering.

"What happened? Are you alright?" a male voice asked, worry filling it.

"I'm fine, Sam," I reassured the male that had been there for me since before I had started this group with the help of my... King. I sighed and moved a hand through my hair, grimacing. "I found my mate and-"

There were two feminine squeals, causing me to growl out a warning. "I'm sorry, Fox, but you have a mate. I knew that you were bummed out about-"

"That doesn't mean that you can interrupt me when I am speaking," I scolded, feeling as if they were children with how they were wanting "juicy deets" and not fighters that I had taught.

"Sorry," they said, again.

I huffed. "I'll be staying here for a few days. Something in my gut tells me that he will attack here..."

"This is the pack that had been attacked while you were..." the voice trailed off, causing me to sigh.

"Ya, Gingie," I said, moving a hand through my hair. "This was the pack that they had attacked when they ambushed us." A small bit of pride went through my body when the members of my group growled.

"What do you want us to do Commander?" one of the newer members, Esosa asked, his Nigerian accent coming out.

"Sam and Ethan, you two are on the next plane to go to the king. He will be coming down here, and I want to make sure that he is protected. Dress as the security would dress. Gingie, you are in charge. I know that you can do it, so just believe in yourself. Carmen, I want eyes on the groups and make sure that he isn't preparing for war. Switch with Esosa on twelve hour shifts. The rest get ready to fight and be prepared. I want to make sure that there are not that many people dieing here when a fight breaks out. Be prepared to contact all existing members, Carmen."

"You sure you want to call them? You know that you can't call them again if you call them now."

"Yes, I am sure."


I walked out of the office after setting up plans and looked to see my mate looking grumpy and Colton looking amused. A small smirk wanted to appear on my face, because I knew that he hated not knowing what or who I was talking to. "What?" I asked, playing the dumb card.

He stared at me, his blue eyes mesmerizing, and I knew that I would be suck into it, if I had showed emotions to him. "You locked me out of my office," he grumbled, sounding like a five year old kid.

I hid an eyebrow and covered a scoff with a cough. "Ya, don't sound like a kid. I wasn't doing anything bad."

"And what if an Alpha called?" He raised an eyebrow. "I wouldn't have been able to answer it because some-"

"You can cut that shit out," I said, narrowing my eyes at him. I ignored the glare that he sent my way. "You have an answering machine for a reason. I wouldn't be snooping through your business because it is none of mine."

"Why you little-" he growled before someone interrupted him.

"LoLo!" a female yelled coming over to us. She was about fifteen, and I could tell that they were related. She had the same blue eyes as my mate and had the same features as him. However, hers were more softer than his. She caught sight of me and her face was filled with mixed emotions from awe, to surprise, to anger, and to hurt. "Can I hit you?" she asked, bluntly cocking her head. "Without getting hit?"

I raised an eyebrow at her spunk. "And why should I let you hit me?" I asked, amused by her courage. Not a lot of people would ask to hit me, because they knew that I would just punch back. However, something told me not to hit this female, and I trusted my gut enough not to do it.

"Because," she replied. "My best friend died when you didn't come."

"Your friend was Alina?"

"How do you know that name?" Lorcian growled, glaring at me. "Don't ever say that name? You have-"

"Would you shut up!" the girl said exasperated. She shot him a glare, causing him to shut up. "She is your fucking mate, and you shouldn't treat her like that. Do you know where she has been? Do you even know if she had been hurting because she didn't come when we needed her help? No, so get off your fucking high-horse and actually listen."

'Well, I like her,' Sinopa said, causing Majesty to hum in agreement.


"No buts. If you want to treat her like a fucking rogue, why don't you lock her up?" she asked exasperated. She flung her arms in the air and scoff. "Oh wait, she is part of this "magical" group that no one has any clue where their base is or how they can do the stuff that they do." She huffed and looked at me. "Come on, I will take you to your room. You will talk to my brother when he learns to act like a proper mate." She started to walk away, and I had no choice but to follow this... amusing female.  

They Call Me Foxy (Book 1 of 'They Call Me' Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now