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The bold letters in my story is either texting or talking on the phone ( in case any of you were confused).


Cameron's POV

I thought about Carter all night after I left her house. She said yes. I had been planning to tell her earlier but this was the last week to buy tickets. I know it's 2 weeks away, but I'm absolutely sure she will find a way to get everything done in time. I tried to call her today but she was probably busy with getting ready for prom. I try calling her one more time. I hear a click on the other end

Carter:  "Hello"

Cameron: "Hey babe. How are you?"

Carter: "Tired, but good. I have a question?" 

Cameron: "Shoot."

Carter: "What color is your tux?"

Cameron: "Black." 

I heard a silence.

Carter: "Okay. So my dress can be any color, right?"

 Cameron: "Idk. I'm pretty sure."

Carter: "OK. I miss you."

Cameron: "I miss you too, baby."

She laughed.

Cameron: "What?"

Carter: "Have I ever told you how much of an impact you have on me when you call me 'baby'?" 

Cameron: "No, I don't think so. Why?"

Carter: "Because you do! I melt on the inside when you call me baby."

Cameron: "OK, then, Baby." 

Carter: "Holy crap! I'm melting."  She laughed.

Cameron: "Did I ever tell you how much of an impact you have on me when you laugh?"

Carter: "Yes you have, actually. The first day we met. You said you loved my laugh and that if you could, you would steal it. she said as smartly as she could. "Listen babe, I gotta go. My mom is calling me to try on a dress. I'll talk to you later?"

Cameron: "Yeah. I love you."

Carter: "I love you, too. Bye."

 "Bye." I hung up and went to the bathroom. I tried on my tux one more time and was impressed. I got a black vest, jacket and pants. I got a white tux shirt and black shoes. I was hoping that Carter would choose a red dress, but it was up to her. I heard a knock on the door to my bedroom. I walked out of my bathroom and to the door. "Is it prom already?!" my mom didn't want to miss it. "Let me go-" "It's not until next week. I just wanted to see if it still fit." I scratched the back of my neck, awkwardly.  "Oh, OK." My mom let out a sigh of relief. Your mom left and you took off your tux. You went to bed. You heard your phone buzz. It was Carter; she asked if I wanted to meet up tomorrow for a lunch date. 

Cameron: "Sure, see you then."


In case any of you are wondering, that last line is them texting, not talking. Keep voting, commenting and adding for these chapters!

High School Lovers -Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now