-Twenty six-

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So, this is the last chapter but I will be making another book. So read the other story I have planned! Byeeeeee!😊

Carter's POV

After the whole incident I had with Cameron, the police coming and yeah, he took me to a beach.  I went straight into the water and dove in. Cameron looked at me like I was crazy or something but I wanted to see the bottom. I didn't come up for about thirty seconds but my body felt like I was on clouds. I felt Cameron's warm hands around my waist, pulling me up from the water.

Cameron: Carter, wake up! Carter, wake, up!
Carter's Mom: Carter, wake up! Carter, wake up, you'll be late for school!!!

I yawned and stretched.

Carter: Mom I had the weirdest dream last night.

I picked up my shorts and tank top that I laid out last night and pulled them on.  I decided to leave my hair down and wear white converse. My mom drove me to school,  it's my first day, and she smiled at me. 

Carter's Mom: You'll be fine. I promise. 

I smiled and got out of the car. I saw Carter Reynolds step out of his red Mustang. I stared at him for a while.

Whoah, this is familiar!

Then I tripped and fell to the ground. These cheerleaders laughed and pointed at me.  I felt so embarrassed, so I ran inside, but, a firm chest stopped me in my tracks. "Hey, I'm Cameron." I smiled and shook his hand. I started to walk towards the office but Cameron stopped me.

Cameron: Hey newbie, I didn't get your name?

I smiled and looked down at my feet.

Carter: Smith, Carter Smith.

Cameron nodded and walked out the door of the school.  I went to the office. This is so weird.


I know, now, someone out there aren't going to like my decision but, I like the twist, so, Byeeeee 😊

High School Lovers -Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now