Chapter 1

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"Wake up! It's five in the afternoon and we need to be somewhere at seven." I felt a pillow slam down hard on my stomach.

"What?" I grumbled.

"Well. Since today is July 23rd and One Direction is here." I slowly opened my eyes and squinted at the brightness of the room. July 23rd. The day Louis was put into X-Factor and forgot about me. Or at least I think he did. Violet was in a British flag tank top and ripped denim shorts. Her brown hair was in a ponytail and she had black streaks on her face. You know, the one football players had. Or at least, that's what they called in in America. Here in London, football was called soccer in America. "Don't worry I've changed you already."

It was true. I looked down at what I was wearing. I had a shirt that said One Direction with gray skinny jeans and I also had those stupid black streaks on my face and my blonde hair was straight with my pink dip dyed ends.

"I cannot believe you," I shrieked. "Where's Rose?"

"Calm down. I know she's your daughter and everything but don't worry. I gave her to the neighbor to take care of."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because we are going to the One Direction concert with front row tickets.I even got backstage passes!" Violet shrieked but then her face turned serious."You need to tell Louis about the ya know."

"No." I wasn't telling him but I didn't really care about the concert because he probably forgot about me. Especially with all those girls throwing themselves at him.

"Whatever. But we're gonna be late if we don't go now," Violet snapped.

"Okay okay!" I laughed as I put on my white converse and we left for the concert. Which I wasn't really dreading all that much.


We walked into a stadium filled with screaming girls.

"LET'S GO FIND OUR SEATS!" Violet yelled through the noise. I nodded and handed the tickets to an employee.

"You guys are some lucky girls. Front row right in the center." She said. "Since you guys have backstage passes, you get to pick one member of the band to show you around."

"Louis!" Violet said before I could reply. The employee chuckled and wrote something on her whiteboard.

"Come one Kayla! Let's go!" Violet pulled my hand and practically dragged me over to our seats. There were a few girls scowling and glaring at us along the way. Uh jealous much?

"The show starts in five minutes." Violet said as I nodded.


"Show starts in five." Paul said.

"Okay!" I shrieked. "I'm so excited!" This was the last concert of the tour. Management said we could take a little break.

"You say that before every show!" Harry laughed.

"Guys we only have five more minutes so let's go to our places." Liam said.

"Way to ruin the fun Liam!" Niall huffed.

"Let's just go." Zayn agreed with Liam who was nodding.

We walked over and waited for the lights to dim.

"You're insecure don't know what for," Harry started. We sang a few other songs like Little Things, One Thing, Live While We're Young, Over Again, Magic, and Cmon Cmon.

"Thank you everyone!" I jumped offstage as all the girls were screaming at the top of their lungs.

"Backstage girls are here. Harry, you're going with these girls named Jen and Brooke. Liam you're going with Sophie and Avery, Niall, you're going with Celine and Penelope. Louis, you're going with Violet and Kayla." I didn't finish listening to the rest of the sentence. ,y heart skipped a beat when Paul said Rose. I missed her so much. I had left her to go on X-Factor. And I felt guilty as hell. I never talked to her ever again since I left. We were so close before. We shared secrets. Everything. We shared everything. And now it's gone. Because of me.

"Lou?" Harry asked with a worried look on his face. "You looked pale for a second there mate."

"What? No, I'm fine." I said.

"Well the girls are coming right now Boo so stop thinking about whatever." Was the last thing Harry said before he left.

Two girls ran over to me. The brunnete looking really excited and the blonde , who looked a lot like Kayla, looked down at her white converse.

"Hi girls, I'm Louis." I smiled.

"I'm Violet and that's Kayla!" Violet giggled playfully nudging Kayla.

"Kayla? Is that you?" I asked.

"No," she mumbled. I recognized her voice. Just because I haven't seen her in three years doesn't mean I can't remember every single little detail about her. Lets face it, I loved her and I still do.

"Stop lying." Violet laughed, "That's Kayla. Kayla Wells!"

My heart filled with joy. "Kayla! I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Three years Louis," she scoffed.

"We should get some coffee. How about I pick you up tomorrow at your flat at nine in the moving tomorrow?" I asked. "As old friends," I quickly added.

"Uh I d-don't l-l-live with my parents anymore." Kayla stuttered. I was so confused.

"Why?" I asked. She shrugged. Well looks like I missed out on a lot.

"Okay so coffee it is?" She nodded. God, what was up with her? This want the girl I used to throw on my back and drop into a puddle of mud. What had happened? What had got her so off track?

"Great! I'd love to catch up with you." I smiled to myself.

"Will you excuse me for a second Louis?" Violet asked me. I nodded and she pulled Kayla over to a corner.

I stayed a few minutes but I couldn't help myself from walking over and eavesdropping.

"Kayla, you need to tell Louis." I heard Violet whisper.

"He doesn't need to know." I heard Kayla. What the hell was she hiding?

"Yes he does." Violet kept on pushing her. "He needs to know."

"No. It's not important." I heard Kayla again.

"Oh, so your telling me that if there was a guy who had your baby and never told you, you wouldn't care?" Violet asked. Wait, what?

"Guys can't get pregnant." Kayla pointed out. "And yeah I would care."

"Exactly so I'm pretty sure Louis would care when he find out you and him have a kid and you've kept it from him for three years. Three years." I heard Violet. Oh my god. Kayla and I have a kid. A kid. No. No. No. This wasn't happening.

"Crap." I said a little too loud.

"We're you eavesdropping?" Kayla asked. I nodded slowly trying to hold in all my anger.

"I'm so s-," But she couldn't finish because I cut her off.

"HOW COULD YOU KEEP THIS FROM ME!" I screeched. "Slut! How could you! We shared everything and all of a sudden you decided to get fucking pregnant and not tell me?" It didn't take long to get her in tears.

"Stop," Kayla begged as she fell into Violet's arms, who was glaring at me.

"Aww is the whore sad?" I smirked. I lunged in to punch her only to be pulled back by four other boys.

"What the hell is going on here?" Harry asked as he dragged me over to a dressing room and locked it.

"I have a kid. With that blonde chick." I started but eventually explained everything.

"You were about to punch her?" He asked in astonishment. I nodded slowly.

"She deserved everything. And I meant everything I said back there." I said.

"This better stay a secret!" Harry said before I slammed the door and walked past Kayla, who was still sobbing into Violet's shirt, and Violet, flipped me off. I rolled me eyes and walked away. Did I feel bad for Kayla? Hell no. But then I remembered.

I was going on a coffee date with her tomorrow.


A/N: I had to delete this one because it got all messed up but now it's fine. By the way, I wrote this fanfiction for Kayla, who is a Louis girl. Hahaha. By the way Kayla, sorry, you're staying as a blonde. But you ain't a prostitute. ;) You're welcome. So anyways, that's the story and I'm not really good at making author's notes.

~Vote if you love One Direction~

Okay let's make this sweet and short. I love you guys. You guys are perfect. Goodbye babes.

Ashley Diana Payne

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