Chapter 13

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"What do you mean she's gone?" Jenny shrieked.

"What'd you do now?" Ashley groaned.

"She either cheated on me or is a prostitute." I said. "I found condoms in her bag and she had sex hair."

"But you love her right?" Niall asked.

"Maybe." I shrugged. I honestly have no idea how I felt. I mean I hate her but I don't at the same time. I hate this feeling.

"Liar," Zayn scoffed. "It's so obvious you are in love with her."

"Zayn's right. You're just a pathetic liar that lost his soulmate." Liam said.

"How do you know she's my soulmate?"

"Because I know. Okay now let's think. What's the last thing you and Kayla did together?" Liam asked.

"I yelled at her and stormed out of her room."


"Calm down." I rolled my eyes.

"CALM DOWN YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SH-" Niall pulled her into a tight hug therefore making her shut up.

"Back to me," Liam snapped, "What was the last thing you guys did as a couple?"

"Lunch yesterday in town."

"Anything interesting happen?"

"Lots of paparazzi." I said.

"Anything else?" Niall asked. Well, we met her mum but I decided to leave that piece of information out. I mean, it was unneeded. I shook my head.

"I miss Kayla!" Jenny whined.

"Shut up Jenny." Harry rolled his eyes.

"S-sorry," Jenny stuttered.

"I'm going to text her." Ashley declared.

"Me too!" Everyone else agreed. We're they kidding?


"OMIGOD no way!" I laughed. My stepbrother was hysterical. We made up pretty quick and we're more like best friends than brother and sisters. Cory just told me this hilarious story about how he tried to ask out this girl who kicked him in the arse. Rose was sitting on the floor playing with some toys, and I had gotten multiple texts but I didn't bother to read them.

"Ooh! Liam once told me about her ex wait no, not ex, his girlfriend, yeah girlfriend! She had kicked this guy in the arse because he tried to do something I don't remember but it was so funny."

"Cool." Cory said between laughter.

"Why they're actually getting along Justin." My mom had her arms crossed smiling at both of us.

"I agree. This is a miracle." My stepdad agreed.

"Shut up mum!" I laughed.

"Okay okay! Come one Justin! We're leaving for a date. We're taking Rose with us. I need to show her off." My mum winked.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"Ew," Cory cringed. My mum just rolled her eyes.

"We'll be home before midnight." My stepdad informed us. We both nodded. "Be good or you guys will be in big trouble." My stepdad warned before leaving with my mum.

"What do you want to do?" Cory asked. I shrugged my shoulders. I was still kind of upset about Louis. I know it was my fault and I have no idea why I cheated on him. I was such a bitch. Well, I did it for money. I mean, I have to repay Louis someday right? But no that I think about it, the way I tried to was stupid. "Come on Kayla," My stepbrother sighed, "Let's do something fun to get your mind off things. How about we go out to eat dinner? It's only seven. Or we can go clubbing!"

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