Chapter 20

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Like I said, we watched a movie, but it was a very crappy one. We took forever deciding which movie to watch until we all agreed we were being stupid and picked a random one, the only one no on wanted to watch, Titanic. We had seen this movie way too much and personally, it was too cliche. I've had enough cliche since my life was basically one. The typical best friends fall in love thing. While the movie was playing, I thought back to the time I met Louis.

It had started when I banged my head on his locker. He ran and ran and ran but I caught him after school. "I'm going to make you regret this," I had threatened. I wasn't exactly always the nice girly girl I am now. I used to be a tomboy, you know, the girl hanging out with the geeky boys.

But Louis he gave me his number. His number after I threatened him. I gladly took it and ripped it to shreds in front of him, but when he left and so did everyone else, I picked up the pieces of paper and clutched them in my hand gently. When I went home, I had spent the next hour fixing the pieces and putting them back together like a puzzle. After I figured out his number, I was thinking about shredding it for good. I thought I would seem like a stalker, but it texted him anyways and it went like this:

Me: um hi

Louis: Kayla...

Me: yep

Louis: oh hi im sry bout ur head btw

Me: it's cool um i g2g ttyl

Louis: k

And to be honest, I thought it was a one time thing. But the next day, he spammed me and I don't know, we just instantly clicked. Two weeks after meeting each other he asked me out over text and me, being the stupid Kayla I am, thought it was a joke and refused to answer the question. In the end, I said yes though, and it was the best decision of my life.

"Kayla?" The sound of Louis's voice made me snap back into reality, "You've been grinning like an idiot for the whole movie." Was I really grinning the whole movie? When I thought back, it felt like only a minute, no, less than that.

"Really?" I laughed at myself.

"Yeah, what were you daydreaming about? Having sex with a member of One Direction?" Louis mocked one of those fangirls.

"Omigod no!" I turned that option down immediately after he said it.

"Then what?" He slid his hand around my waist.


"You're blushing Kayla." Louis smirked.

"No I'm not!" I punched him playfully on the shoulder.

"Yes you are!" Louis exclaimed.

"No I am not!" I protested.

"GET A ROOM!" Zayn came in with Rose in his arms.

"Put my baby girl down." I commanded.

"Mummy I like Zaynie!" Rose whined as Zayn set her down on the loveseat next to us and left the living room to join everyone else.

"Too bad." I groaned.

"Tell me." Louis brought back the subject.

"Tell you what?" Two can play at this game.

"What were you thinking about when we were watching Titanic?"

"Nothing!" I protested.



"Something!" Louis laughed, "Tell me or I'll kiss you."


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