Chapter 7

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"So," Louis continued. i had just explained the whole baby situation to everyone.We were currently at Nando's. We all had hoodies and shades on so the paparazzi or other crazy fans won't mob us. "Kayla, tell me about your parents. What exactly happened?"

Rose was sitting on my laps and my fists were clenched to the chair. I dreaded this question so much.

"Erm," I muttered.

"Spill," Louis snapped.

"Come one all of us are waiting!" Zayn snapped.

"They kicked me out when they saw my pregnancy test." I shrugged.

"Okay," Louis let it slide but I knew he was going to pull it out of me sooner or later.

"Ooh! I have a question!" Harry said. I didn't really like him right now since he was being rude, or should I say, not a good boyfriend to Jenny. I just couldn't get over the fact that it wasn't Jenny's freaking fault!

"Okay. What is it?" I asked.

"How did you to have sex?" He smirked.

"Harry!" Jenny screamed in awe of what he just asked. I could feel the blood rising to my cheeks.

Harry glared at Jenny who slumped in her seat. What was his problem?

"Remember that time?" I asked Louis who merely nodded. "May I tell?"

"Sure," Louis muttered. "So embarrassing."

"Okay so um I don't really know how to explain this but it's really funny." I laughed.

"Just get it over with," Louis said.

"He was looking through my diary and yes, I have a diary. Don't judge. And he saw the page where I said I wanted to get kissed and he dragged me over and attempted to kiss me but I didn't know what was going on because I was in the bathroom at that time. Louis was in my room by the way. So like when I walked out, he tried to kiss me but I got really scared and uh." I stopped.

"WHAT? Don't leave me hanging!" Niall begged.

"I smacked him. And his face was red for a whole week. But I made up for it with a kiss and then we just had um sex." I finished.

"This girl can slap." Louis commented.

"Hey!" I crossed my arms.

"What?" Louis laughed, "It's true!"

"Excuse me?" These two girls came over. "Are you guys One Direction?"

"No," Niall coughed.

"Are you sure?" One of them asked clearly confused. All the boys nodded.

"Oh." Disappointment was clearly shown on their faces. "Sorry to bother you," and they ran out.

"That was close." Liam said.

"We could have gotten mobbed. Again." Zayn breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay back to the story!" Niall smirked. "I can't believe that actually happened!"

"Yeah yeah," I mumbled.

"Hey guys I have to go to management really quick," Louis said, "Maddy, take Kayla to your flat afterwards if I'm still not back."

"Okay! Bye Louis!" We all waved.


"Are you going?" I asked Liam.

"Yep," he smiled. "It'll be nice to see her face."

"Yay!" I jumped up.


What could be so important that I had to go to management right away?

"Ah Louis, you're here." Uncle Simon said.

"What's so important?" I asked impatiently.

"Kayla." Uncle Simone replied. "She can't be just a friend." Simon put up air quotes with his hands.

"What's wrong with just friends?" I asked.

"You guys have a kid." Uncle Simon replied.

"Wha- h-how?" I was shocked.

"Please, I know everything. But if the media finds out, you're screwed."

"So what's the problem?" I asked once again.

"You need to either date Kayla or not hang out with her. Ever."

"She's living with me!" I argued.

"Then ask the young lady out!" Uncle Simon was standing up now.

"Yes sir!" I said before I rushed back to my car.


"All I'm saying if you should ask him. He's hot." Maddy has been trying to convince me for half an hour to ask Louis out. We were in Maddy's flat eating buckets, and I mean buckets of ice cream. Rose was sleeping in Maddy's bedroom. Like I had said, Rose is a heavy sleeper.

"And why should I? Guys should ask the girls." I pointed out. "Don't call Louis hot. You have a boyfriend."

"Okay whatever. So if he asked you then you would say yes?" Maddy stuffed a spoonful of nice cream into her mouth.

"Yes but he would never ask me. He has way prettier girls pratically throwing themselves at him," I replied.

"Liar! You're pretty as hell Kayla!" Maddy screamed. "But you would say yes right?" I nodded. As if on cue, the doorbell rang. Guess who it was? Louis.

"May I talk with Kayla outside?" Louis looked nervous.

"I'm coming!" I put my ice cream "bucket" down on the couch and hopped on over to Louis. "Now what's so important?"

"Erm." Louis looked down at his shoes.

"Yeah?" I shifted all my weight to my left leg.

"Erm." Louis still didn't look at me.

"Look Louis," I huffed. "My ice cream is melting and I'm tired as f-" Louis cut me off.

"Wait! I don't really know how to put this in words." He shuffled his feet.

"Put what into words?" I get really annoyed when people don't tell me stuff.


"Get on with it. I'm losing my patience." I snapped. "I'm giving you ten seconds."

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four."

"Crap," I heard Louis muttered.

"Three," I continued, "Two, o-"

"WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?" Louis screamed at the top of his lungs cutting my counting off. Was he serious?


A/N: You already know what she's going to say. ;) Anyways...SHORT CHAP

So I'm really bored and I didn't even do my homework yet LOL and I'm just writing this chapter for y'all. Trying to be country there. Y'all. Ugh in PE, we have to do this fitness shit and I'm not the most athletic person. If you've met me, you would know that. And you should never get me mad or pissed or annoyed or whatever. All the shit you could ever imagine will come spilling out of my mouth to you. Good luck.

Shirt authors note and a short chapter because I updated twice. Yeah you heard me right TWICE BITCH! Haha just kidding I love you guys. If only this book would get more reads. Sigh.



Ashley Diana Payne (Happily Married to Liam James Payne)

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