Chapter 12

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"No, wait do you have sex hair?" Louis asked. My head throbbed. After he had dropped me off, I went to do my thing. My legs were wobbling and I couldn't stand up without tipping over. "Kayla?" My thoughts were drowning the real world. "You had sex?" I shook my head while squeezing my eyes shut to block out the pain. "Are you okay? You look really bad."

"I'm fine." I managed to say. I leaned back onto the bed and took slow deep breaths. What the hell is going on with me? Was it guilt? After all, I had only started this job a few days ago. Maybe this was just a phase. Protection. I used it though.

"Kayla! You're clearly not fine. Wait, is that your bag, maybe I can call your mum over. Her number is in there right?" I couldn't physically say "No"

"KAYLA! A-ARE THESE CONDOMS?" Louis shrieked. Oh, this whole thing was a mess. Our relationship didn't last a day.

"N-no," I managed to whisper.

"Yes they are. What were these doing here? Are you a fucking prostitute?" Louis screamed.

I wanted to lie and say no really badly, but that would be lying so I kept my mouth shut. Well, I wasn't exactly lying because I wasn't a prostitute. I was just cheating.

"I'm so done Kayla," Louis stormed out of the room leaving me there. I slowly squeezed my eyes shut. After a few minutes, I carefully got up. It was hard to balance at first but then I got the hang of it. I walked over to my closet where I had an empty luggage and began stuffing all my clothes in there.

After that, I picked up my phone and dialed my mum's phone number. What? She wanted mother daughter time and I want a place to stay.

"Hello?" A familiar voice ran through the phone.


"Kayla!" She exclaimed, "I'm so glad you used my number! What do you need?"

"Um may I come back and stay with you?" I bit my lip.

"Sure." I could imagine tears of joy streaking her face. "I can pick you up right now?"

"Thanks mum." I sighed, "I um love you," I muttered. I haven't said those three words to her in a while.

"I love you too." I hung up the phone. I climbed through the window, like I had done with Liam. That made me think of Maddy, Jenny, and Ashley. Sure, I haven't known them long but they've become my best friends. I hid behind one of the bushes until I saw my mum's red Range Rover parked in front of Louis's flat.

"Hey Kayla," My mum smiled.

"I was cheating on Louis with a guy named Marc because he was paying me and I wanted money so someday I can repay Louis!" I blurted everything out.

"Aw my poor baby." My mum said but kept her eyes on the road. "I mean babe. You aren't a baby anymore."

"Geez thanks mum."

"Oh," My mum started, "By the way, my husband and my stepson are going to be there." I merely nodded. I was actually looking forward to meeting my brother. I meant step-brother. The drive wasn't actually that long. It was only about twenty minutes. The flat wasn't as big as Louis's but it wasn't small either. "Ready?" Mum asked. I nodded again as I stepped out of the car with my luggage.

"Klaire!" A man exclaimed.

"Justin!" My mum replied. "Oh, this is my daughter Kayla. Kayla, this is my husband Justin."

"Nice to meet you," I smiled.

"CORY!" Justin, who is apparently my stepdad called. A boy about my age came storming down a hallway and skidded to a halt. He wasn't exactly as bad looking as I had imagined. His hair was blonde, like my mum and I's, but his eyes were green, like Justin's. he reminded me of Harry, without curly hair.

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